Tuesday, August 31, 2010


1 bangsa, 1 suara, 1 Malaysia. 
Im just kinda addicted to that song. PATRIOTIC~ 
Happy Merdeka!

I went to school today (ambang merdeka). xD People said Im out of their list for attending to school so they got shocked when they saw me. NAH! Not even 1 of the gang going. BULLSHYT! 12 person attended out of 43. Cool Babey! Go school eat mak nga tong and play only. Teacher dont want teach also and i came back early also. LOL Good weih! This kind of attendance worth to take ^^ Yesterday I never sleep and keep play games only lo. then straight away go school. Not sleepy at all, I've no idea why. My throat getting worst la omg. I feel like wanna korek my throat out. =.= tomorrow need to go 7-11 sapu strepsils before go for badminton. get teacher's email again.. pseudocode? see coding also sien dy.. my eyes power increase some more. jia lat lo! this kind of things make people headache+ more headache. i seriously dont know what to write lo. feel like copying~ lol

There's still a HOPE.
I believe you'll find me someday.

With Loves,
CPL. =) 

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