Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stood UP!

Im having owl's life EVERYDAY! been listened to the ICT module for 3days but teacher said that the pentafsir not coming. Okay, everyone's happy with it. No marks will be deduct mah! =D Im happy too! Its not useless for me to prepare so much though pentafsir isnt coming. I learn more right? Somehow, I felt that the program that i created very useful for those auntie who dont know Maths lo. >.< Can I sell it? LAWL~ btw, of course Im happy my marks wont be deduct even though she/he come, I've confident that my marks wont be deduct by them lo! BUT its unfair for "some people" lo! Haiz... My gang will understand it. 
PS: dont ask, I will not answer anything. 

Craps! brother's new AL speaker is currently in my room. It reminds me my AL speaker that Uncle Tim bought from Aussie. The Subwoofer burst! funny right? =.=ll "Bose" always the best! Speaker in my room, what you think I'll do? Of course bomb my room la! but father complained. hahaha~ because i bomb in midnight == Seriously, it doesnt give me that kind of bomb feel though the volume is max. Or maybe I used to listen loud music?  

I must stop buying shirts. T^T I got no pant to wear dy! Have to buy more pants. Always also wear Topshop pant go work. =.= Hatiku sakit sangat tapi I x da seluar lain. Im broke now, how to buy more pants? LOL! You know why? My phone rosak, PodPod cant go online.... I guess I should throw my PodPod away la! Keep playing non-stop. No matter where Im =.= A lot of things need to repair lo! Some more always go Bid Online. Today Bejeweled saved me. I play until forgot to bid the item. Can save money but I cant get Marc Jacob & DKNY. I want it desperately lo! ='O I want go LMF concert! $.$ 

No more guitar class, so I went for movie - Salt. Or I should say I stupid go let them zat? hahaha.. Anyway, Evelyn Garam damn yeng! O.O But hor... Ending also............ macam Inception lo. sweat!  


我就问为什么。她说 “ 因为七月鬼门开 !!!!!” 怕怕。。。 >.<

I scare ghost. LMAO~

 I'll reach out my hand to you, I'll have faith in all you do.
CPL =)

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