Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last Camp Mission!

After concert. Im totally DEAD!
Reached home cant sleep some more T^T


Milo Milo!! 


CPL- one of the committee ^^

Mission 1: School PBC Camp

Mission 2: YMM Puchong Camp

Mission 3: School PBC Camp - Encore 

Mission 4: 30 Hours Famine

Mission 5: Cambridge Training Camp

LOL. Im not Cambridge's student but I hope Im. =O
Im just helping them to incharge the computing stuffs since Ben called up.
I dont know they are paying me at first.
After attending the 3rd meeting only I knew they will pay me.
yeah~ Just help them for few hours then got extra money! ^^
Ha! I dont know English songs can use for so called "tuan kang" lo!
Its quite weirdo anyway. >.<

Last camp for this year.

With Loves,
CPL =)

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