Sunday, August 29, 2010


Since Im so free, so I spent my whole afternoon on my PodPod. Jailbroken and downloaded cool apps! Brother keep playing non stop. =.= Well, he deserves it. Helped me to get water and panadol at midnight. Kao! I dont know why I fall sick suddenly. >.< I drove back to hometown under the hot weather but I felt cold. Luckily almost reached there. They potluck for 4hours and I slept for 4 hours also. Never switch on the fan and Im using blanket but still cold. Not dare to tell my parent, later kena scold say I never drink water bla bla bla~ Dad asked me to drive home again, walao! I cant see at night + so dizzy, he ask me drive some more and I denied. He's totally drunk! My aunties and uncles la... CB! keep say "your daughter got license can drive you home, drink more la! come la we go sing k." I forced to smile. =S Reached home and its getting worse and worse. Pain till I cant sleep and tears dropped. woah~ That was my debut experience. Pain till tear dropped. =O Spam call my brother to wake up to get me panadol. hahahahaha~~ 4am the worst part! I use my hand to hit my forehead. LOL! No choice.. really suffer that time. Hot and cold, Aircond off and on, Fan on and off, really ruins me crazy! RAWRRRRRRRRR!!!! much better today but still suffer then gastric lagi. =.=ll btw, camp ended almost 1 week but I still can see people posting in FB. ZOMG! Really so into it meh? I WANT WATCH STEP UP3! *.* Recently TM line sibeh sucks! I wanna call up and scold them but I got no voice ='( and I seriously addicted with those chinese songs. weeee~~

0830 Kah Say Yeing, Happy Birthday! XD birthday still need exam... ko lian~ 


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