Sunday, August 8, 2010

PC fair (II) 2010. I've to be more independent.

This PC fair seriously i got nothing to buy >.< but i went twice.

Saturday finished school then went for meeting. Luckily i brought extra shirt go there to bath =.=ll If not I need to wear that sweaty shirt to KLCC. Keep rehearsal the station games. Play until very tired but syok! hahaha. Long time never play like that dy. Then my brother and I tumpang mum's friend's daughter's car to KLCC. Brother went to see his stuff and I went to see my stuff. o0o Fuck~
- Ipod Touch NEW Paul Frank skin ( tak da =.= )
- Kaspersky Internet Security 3 Pax ( ada!! ^^ sudah beli~ RM110 he only get RM95 from me. LOL )
- Skull Candy earphone ( tak da =.= )
- Alienware ( tak da =.= )

Today brother whack me up pergi PC fair to help him buy stuffs he want. He cant go because he got class. Aku alone no one help me buy ticket no one tell me which platform.. I only know how to go to Pavillion then walk to KLCC. Want me help some more want me to walk from Pavillion to KLCC. NO DEAL! What for i walk for far? Then he asked me to go by KL centrel's LRT. Seriously, I dont know there's a LRT at KL Centrel. Then hor.. I called my cousin brother come KL Centrel fetch me to KLCC. hahahahaha~ then he told me where's the LRT. I was like har?! My brother damn YIM JIM! Speaker want small want nice. Headphone want YENG only. I dont know which part YENG lo. Skull Candy more yeng. Sohai... Today i saw Alienware! Yesterday dont have! but im in a rush... Got no time to bother bout it but i grabbed the brochure. haha! I even forgot to buy my wireless desktop set. =.=ll

I took LRT to KL Centrel. TMD.. That place really strange for me. I saw the KL Centrel Bus Stop. but horr... BUT HORR!! the road damn cacat... I stucked there for 1hours++ dont know how to go home. Damn scary lo.. Like a lost kid only.. Keep on call Wan Yeng and Melvin. Used RM15 to call them. >.< They all also cant help me... I got no idea why the road become like that. If no change then i know how to go home. I asked those bus driver and I kena scolded. >< I simply bumped into a bus which i dont know where it's going and it reached Mid Valley. Immediately i stopped there la! Then went meeting and yam cha. They said i tall 1 inch dy oh! HAHAHA~ but Yin Peng sok sui jor. Old dy la! LOL OMGAWD! They going Krabi next year! But my gang planning to go Phuket. Where should i go? or both? hmmm~~ but i guess the Phuket sure bou tong 1 lor.. =.=

Poor things happened =.=
I realized that I dropped/ lost RM 50. Not dare to tell my dad. 
I got scolded from Keys for going there alone. Why not scolding my bro? =.= 

I miss BoonOnn because of this darling. When he's coming back?
Been searching for 8months dy, Quicksilver still haven take this colour. ='(

Next aim, Bose On-Ear headphone! xD

Guess what?

Was looking for some model shooting photo from FB and i saw HER!
I think this photographer TERpress his/her's camera. HAHA!
baobei, dont whack me~ xD

With Loves,
CPL =)

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