Wednesday, August 25, 2010

30 Hours Famine 2010

Let the photos do the talking first =)

Puchong A's campers =) 
Never dissapointed me.

My Group.
Some of them thought I joke with them when I told them Im 17. =.=
Sometimes really dont know should be glad or sad.

Committees & Puchong A's campers.

Should be 3 persons in this photo but dont know why end up with 8 persons.

Kopi & Hooi Min.

Hooi Min.

Ke Yee. 
I dont know she's that tall. WTF

Hugs 1

Hugs 2

Tiring after station game.

My station game. Some of them played 7 or 8 times =.=
because its just too easy to earn my money.

This 2 fellows again >.<

Briefing early in the morning.

Hugs 3

Yong Peng : "Yer! zomok 人家酱拍你又要酱拍"
Hooi Min : "我不要抱抱咯~ 我要kiss 她~~"
beh tahan both of them. LOL!
like that also want argue =.=

My 百包袋~ ^^
They named me "Shark jie jie/Shark mei mei" because of this bag. >.<
That name seems so fierce for me. LMAO!

Slept at the canteen 
then canteen's floor 
then futsal court 
then chairs in the hall. XD

Well, got not much comments bout this camp. Countdown session bored like hell. 
Nicholas sing live not high at all, but when they played Amei's song. 
Woah~ There goes the Amei's spirit XD
Still prefer last year la of course!

I hold that so called counsellor/ instructor/ assistant position.
but I dont think I got help them also. 
I just did what they required only.
Nothing much to do. >.<

With Loves,
CPL =)

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