Monday, September 27, 2010

Stories of my holidays 2.

Let me continue,

Went swimming with these peeps.
At night went pasar malam with 
MeiYen, Ixin, LiSin.
Oh no, she bang. LOL

Account tuition canceled,
Maths tuition teacher sick = canceled.
How? Stone at home la! =.=

Chat with this fellow-ksy.
HAHA! from 11pm chat till 3am.
Then continue skype with Tekyi & other peeps.

Went to movie with Wantan, Jen & HC.
wuatafak movie!
damn funny weih.. LOL
but i wonder why no one is laughing when we're laughing ==
Then volleyball with jen till 8pm+

My brother brought his phone and went back to asrama.
My dad's phone is off.
My mum's phone ringtone isnt like that.
And I dont know who the heck's phone rang!
for 6th times. 
SCARED me! fuck!

A sleepy day =.=
Wanna go swimming with Jer, KP, Milo, MK & Joel.
But no girl company me!
And Im afraid to go in the toilet alone.
End up sleep at home. LOL

Saturday & Sunday
Stupid weekend. I fucked up everything. I scolded Hou. The way he settle his things was so wrong and he's angry with me. Im trying to help him and i dont mean to scold him. I dotes him all the time. Haihh... Then, my devices. ALL DEAD! WTF! I cant help out Ben for the camp. So sorry.. I try to fix and keep on trying but still... dead =.= I never give up trying till at night although I know he doesnt need my help anymore. A lot of things come after me in one time. I cant handle it and these make me so depressed. Till now I still haven settle it. No idea how to settle! ._______.

Stay tune for next update. =)

With Loves,

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