Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stories of my holidays.

Holiday Programmes ended on Wed.

Wonderful Morning + Afternoon with em.
Freezeeee evening with meiyen and ixin at BR. 
Young midnight food hunting with my dad and brother =.=

Having fun after work till 2.30am.
This was insane!
I almost puke at Boston =.=

I like this photo a lot.
Her tongue and my face expression. rofl!

Look at my stupiak smile.
Its like I enjoy hugging her? =.=
No, she's not nice to hug!
Like hugging skeleton only. ='(
I prefer her form 5 size. lol

Spent my evening with em. =)

Stone at home the whole Saturday.
I should go work but I denied.
Im so boring so
I did something stupid and 
It flashed back.........

The days we had together.

Then Im hungry.
Went to hunt for burgers.

12.30am McD Drive Thru.
Again, I memalukan sendiri =.=


Then I dreamt of you.

It rewind back a lot.

Stupiak day with fcuking CB feeling!
Learning how to zi pai =.=

(If you can see the tears in my heart...)
Spent my afternoon and evening with Jen, Wangu & ?
Lepak around and volleyball.
Went to Taipan yam cha with Keys.
NAHH! She's unlucky.
Im sad so I released my sadness on her. >.<

Went Sing K today.
Sad songs make me more sad.
High songs Im like not motivated at all.
but last few minutes I still high-ed.


Im like that.
I hate myself being so miserable.

And I know....

You're just a memory.
I realized that I was 14 that time not 15.
Oh, wtf!
What happen to me?

Story from Thurs-Mon ended.

With Loves,

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