Thursday, October 7, 2010

simple update.

Sorry for MIA-ing. >.< I actually dont know what to update. LAWL~ Well, having exam lately. I cant concentrate during my BM and BI papers. So i screwed them up. Decided to let go the problems for a week and dont care bout anything. Great, i did it and did well in my exam except for science paper 2. =.= and add maths? Hahahahaa.. Im speechless. As im a calculating idiot. Having few days of holiday now. Trying very hard to settle everything down which easily ruins my mood but epic failed. I choose not to answering phone calls. I guess this is the best choice. Try to find things to do when im free. Such as : Dota, Gossip Girl, Anime, Vampire Diaries.. and some activities like hunt for food, cocktails at pub, being driver, cc for games, and some revisions. I know i cant be free. Sleep late and wake up early. FREAKING early! Even my friends cant believe it. Kinda lots of people said that i slimmed down and look matured/old? I have no plan to diet, maybe tidor lewat cause me look old and slimmed down.  

I think i should let go even its hurt. Shouldnt care so much dy as we lost it all. Sorry? yeah!  

Stay tune for "the 30th day letter" post. =D 


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