Tuesday, July 6, 2010

provoke my brain!

ARGHH!! sleepless life! 

Add Maths Project : Done!
Graphic Team's work : Hopefully teacher says " okay, your job is done! "
Senior Page : FML! Photo also dont have! & need to submit this friday!
Camp Games : I wont complain bout this. Camp always bright up my lifes!
ICT Assignments : Left Network Assignment (Home Do) & Database (School Do).  phew~ luckily!

I rather do report. Reports are much more easier! 
but no more report for us. haha! Thanks God!

Recently very despo la! Graphic's works la! Dont know what shit they submit to me. Helped them edit a lot! duhhhhhh... I tell you ah.. This is the last time for being a leader. Im not strict enough. They boys dont even listen what i said. Requirement papers gave them, but they never follow the requirement. In the end, im the one who helping them to complete the works. Really see no evil~ 

Last Friday, Chinese Singing Competition. I thought im not incharging anything because the competition was getting near and near and no one request for me to help. but.. Last Thursday, they requested me for help. lmao~ okay. Im willing to help. Im shocked that Kopi asked me to prepare all the things on Friday 1pm. Immediately my mind pop up "har? Friday only prepare ah? Past few years also prepare early woh... Fine la, maybe they have their own way." I dint say much and dont care la. Its Friday & i was sleeping. My phone rang.. 017.... Strangers? not going to pick up. 2nd time, same number.. I wondered quite a long time and i still answered the phone. LOL! SOS phone call. I dont have transport to go back and i spam call Kopi. Called lot of times but she never pick up. Fine, i decided to walk back to school but Kopi called up. Then, i sat her car back. 

Finished all the things and the system also okay. The Indon guy told me which chanel is for which wire.. I wrote down and the competition started. Im the only one who sitting there. The twins told me not to touch the things that they've set up. Competition started and i control the volume only lor. Got lots of volume problem.. Fucking pressure when everyone looking at me. lol... I dont even know their volume.. How to adjust? but i tried my best. But still.. lalalalalala~ Paggie's turn and i never noticed the red light blinking.. The system burst >.< Last year got this situation also.. hahaha.. I immediately ask CK for help, but he dont know what to do also. Ask the twins to come back lo.. They reset the system and control the system till the competition end. Pity lo.... Not perfect but at least okay though there were still some problem. The system overall OK la. They should have rehearsal next time so that they know their volume until where. 

Been doing minus one for the past whole week. Keep blow and blow~ ==lll sometimes, i really hope i dont have the extra knowledges that i have.

You may thinking why im so free to update my blog. hahahaha~ because i finished my graphic works mah! All i have to do is wait teacher's comment tomorrow. Hopefully there's nothing for me to edit anymore la. After this post, i dont know when i'll update again. Maybe after i finish the senior page bah~ =) 

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