Monday, July 19, 2010


Kher Yi's Birthday Party 0706

528 event =) 

Jing Ghost & Kah Say Yeing xD

Sakai Gang ^^
Meng Qi Dian Encore Camp Day 1507

0107 Meiyen's Birthday

A Date to Sunway 

School Singing Competition

A nice guy i knew at Bon Odori. He's quite handsome. HOHO!
His name Don ^^

Suzanne & Tracy ^^
knew them from Bon Odori too! haha

Tracy: "How old are you?"
Me: "Me? 17years old lo~"
Tracy: "HAR?!"
Me: "Why? any problem? i dont look like 17?"
Tracy: "Err.. haha! You're so cute!"
Me: *face red red~ paiseh-ing"
Michelle: "wow~ Pei Ling... cute... HAHAHAHA!!"

==lllll SWEAT!

He's handsome & cute! OMGOSH!
im so into him! lol~
but he broke my heart ='(

she looks like Steffi's ex-GF. HAHA!
petpet SF! you should tell her bout it! xD

Senior page snapping session ^^

LOL! blog without photos.. bored right? 
nah.. these are the photos that related with my recent post.

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