Friday, July 9, 2010


job done! =)
need someone to comment but its too late. 
4.17am~ everyone's sleeping.
actually i wanna ask whether will kelam kabut or not.. lol
fine la.. as long as i finished.
wonder how's the manual work..

skip my BM & AddMaths tuition.
rushed to ioi and ran to the photo shop.
rm1.50 per piece! over budget wtf! A4size for rm12.
so i decided edit all the photos in a A4 size document and develop it.
i used 1hour+ to edit it. 
then i ran back to the photo shop.
they tell me
DAMN! i seriously wanted to cry out. 

and... hahahaha~
i came home and cried ==lll
thanks YewKeong the Architect!
you words always comfort me.
you keep on introduce me which photo shop open late night but the problem is..
no one willing to fetch me there ><
subang? market? 

everyone's trying to help me.
but i really dont have the mood to reply them. 
i even scolded them. =(

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