Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Giddens? Saito?

Guess who i dreamt today..

Giddens =.=lll

I dreamt Giddens opened a something called Penang Restaurant at MidValley. No customers inside. >< Then i dreamt the Old Saito from Inception. He's damn scary for me. His face~~~ What is this funny dream doing with me? LOL! btw, im really confused. I knew something that I maybe should or maybe i shouldnt know. I think the negative & positive ways. But i still dont know whether i should tell or not. Should I let you know? Well, maybe someday i should call you up and ask you some questions first.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Let me meet you in dream.

Mel asked me that question & I told him. He's the 3rd one who knew it because he's the 3rd one who ask me after i told Yyin & Kyi. Thats not a secret anymore since the day I told Yyin & Kyi which was 2months ago. I never tell anyone before this. If im not wrong, both of them asked something which is very very very sensitive to me so i told them. 2years++ but im not 100% had put you down. I still cant really get over you which i thought i had. ==ll DAMN YOU JERK! You tell me la.. why you appear in my life? Brought lots of loves to me then you took it away. Damn lame you know? What i can say is... My eyes captured down all the memories we had though we dont have any photo. Eh, miracle man... Im not emo but quite happy... >.< LOL!

Stalking handsome guys at facebook recently. hahaha~ so what? They will not step into my heart also.
Wondering who else will step into my heart besides you & baobei ^^

With Loves,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July is an emo month?

CPL, bodoh! Memang la ako bodoh. CPL here, CPL there. Im just too soft-hearted. Lots of things happened but still settled. Emo happened in a flash. I guess my classmates really afraid of me yesterday. LOL.. Better dont mess with me when im emo la, just leave me alone. Thats what you can do if you're not close with me. If not, you'll definitely get scolded by me. Dont blame me. >.< Today i woke up around 6.45am and went to Hulu Langat. DENG! Guess what.. Aaron Hoong went there with me. WTF! Damn unlucky lo. He memang mencheebuykan la. Drove under the hot weather. MADAFAKA! WFM 100, Diu... This car can throw away dy lo. You know what? I need to use both of my hands to pull the handbreak. I almost twist my arm leh. Fuck! Sweat like after bath. ==lll I shouldnt eat pizza today but there's nothing for me to eat at home. Sore throat =( and im so damn pissed when i cant get Kopi. duhhhh... Called her like more than 30times also cant get her! DAMN! Im so tired, my eyes damn blardy pain. I received a fucking message which ruins me sleepy + emo. Immediately i switched off my phone and when i switch on my phone, missed call banyak banyak. You forced me to block your number lo. Sibeh annoyingggggggggg.... I should attend an event at night but i slept like a pig. Sorry guys, i dont mean to put aeroplane. Cascada damn awesome lo. Im like... totally another person after bombing my study room with her songs. Hmm.... Im still wondering.. Why i suddenly listen to her song ah? LOL... I guess its's Kesha's songs. ^^ Im really schizophrenia. 

Cause everytime we touch, i feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, i reach the sky.
Cascada ~~

I will be strong, I will be faithful.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fading Away....

Everything crush on me in few weeks time? It's gone and It's back again, really changed my whole life. I dont know whats yours doing to me. Heart beats in me & now im using like i bleed! Turning everywhere and nothing seems to be finish. I tried to stand up and search for the better part of me. I breath in the moment & slave to humanity. I grabbed everything and do it myself like i always thought im a supergirl. No, i want everything to be perfect thats why i choose to solo and now everyone thinks that im IT genius. Go & Die! I learn everything by myself. Genius? No such things! You put in effort and you'll get what you want. You dont put & you wont get. I cant handle my things well. I started to get weak with everything. Im too naive or you can say im too kind. Yes.. I did a lot things and end up i get nothing. 9 out of 10 will say "why you're doing so much of things? then end up you get nothing. you think they'll appreciate what you do? who cares? you're like those workers who work behind the scene. You think they'll know your hard work?" I always wonder... I dont know. I cant stand the pain & I cant make it go away. I try to make a sound but no one hears me. Im hanging by a thread. I can't erase the things in my mind. I just dont know why every frustrated things come to me in few months time. I wont give up till it's over.

I realize that with you is where i rather be, there's so many things I want you to know but how? Regret that i never appreciate you when you're still with me. I cant calm myself down which you always do. ARGHH! Sick of this life! 
but when i think positively....................

Time is like a river.
You cant touch the same water twice 
Because the flow that has passed will never pass again..
Enjoy every moment of your life.

Im so random right? YK taught me a lot of things. He said "you'll definitely think negatively when you're depressed. but... after that, please think positively. you'll get what i mean and learn some lessons. want to be a great architect isnt as easy as abc but im happy with my architect life. so... think positively, girl!" you know what i reply him? "eh, you're crazy!" ><  

Do more so you'll get more.
who knows tomorrow or next week or next month or next year i will get a message like
"hey! are you free to do....................."
"eh... i need your help......................"
bla bla bla those kind of message? hahahaha....

*look at my report card*
"wow.. the worst result i never had before!" monolog dalaman xD
yea. i know. very obvious la.. my ICT sub.. from 80+ drop until 50+
i admit i never study well for my mid term.
trying very hard to settle all my problems.... 

want to play GunBound desperately! ='(
but i promised myself no more games until i finish spm. 
nah!! this is 1 of the reason la.. ma de....

The Sad but Happy/ Happy but Sad Kid. =O

Monday, July 19, 2010


"hello hello baby~ Im Da Gai from German. xD" yeah! thats me, Da Gai at Meng Qi Dian Encore. I had lots of fun but this station game that i incharged was the worst station game ever. Well, its over! As long as i had fun ^^

The whole gang went puteri to eat crab. I promised Mel to go movie with him so i never follow the gang. "Des what what me!" Damn! They're so cute! WTF! Oh ya, he brought Sim along. I know this isnt a good thing. ==ll because he'll bomb me. No matter who from that gang. LOL! Suan la... Sudah biasa.. Always bomb me short. Poor thing.... Some more keep bluff me! really dont know when its real when its fake.

I went Bon Odori with Foo, Chelle, Ruby & Catherine. I should be following my gang but they comfirm too late as i promised to follow Foo they all. I was attracted by the Japanese boy which i said he's handsome & cute but he broke my heart. ='( I saw a lot of friends there. duhhhh... People Mountain People Sea! Afterthat, went Asia Cafe with Foo & Pei Jin. Puchong's Asia Cafe cant fight with 1 Puchong lo. ==

9.15am went Sentul. 12pm started to work until 2.30pm. Wahh~ Syok kao kao! Then straight away went meeting. This meeting really makes me SWEAT a lot! keep pratice so called "Tuan Kang". I never bring shirt and pant to change. Some more the pant i wore very good in absorbing water.  After the meeting, it dried but somehow, its weird. hahahaha~ sticky sticky feel.. I dont like. wtf~ I headed home and want to clean up myself and change the clothes but so sad.. I forget to bring my keys out. Headed bus stop to wait for wantan and my father dropped by to get the keys for me. Then went to dont know what cafe.. Wantan's future stage xD

YO! i finished my assignments! FEEL SO GOOD! Everything was done! hahahahaha! its time for me to rearrange my time table and prepare for my trial la~ will stop guitar lesson soon ='(

Semakan Status Terpilih Siri 8/2011 NAMA : 93061210xxxx NO. KAD PENGENALAN : CHE PEI LING CATATAN : Tahniah, anda terpilih menyertai PLKN Siri 8/2011~

checked online and i got tahniah! hehehehehe... 
but my dad seems like dont want me to go. aiks... need to consider again. 


Kher Yi's Birthday Party 0706

528 event =) 

Jing Ghost & Kah Say Yeing xD

Sakai Gang ^^
Meng Qi Dian Encore Camp Day 1507

0107 Meiyen's Birthday

A Date to Sunway 

School Singing Competition

A nice guy i knew at Bon Odori. He's quite handsome. HOHO!
His name Don ^^

Suzanne & Tracy ^^
knew them from Bon Odori too! haha

Tracy: "How old are you?"
Me: "Me? 17years old lo~"
Tracy: "HAR?!"
Me: "Why? any problem? i dont look like 17?"
Tracy: "Err.. haha! You're so cute!"
Me: *face red red~ paiseh-ing"
Michelle: "wow~ Pei Ling... cute... HAHAHAHA!!"

==lllll SWEAT!

He's handsome & cute! OMGOSH!
im so into him! lol~
but he broke my heart ='(

she looks like Steffi's ex-GF. HAHA!
petpet SF! you should tell her bout it! xD

Senior page snapping session ^^

LOL! blog without photos.. bored right? 
nah.. these are the photos that related with my recent post.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


senior page officially done! =)
thanks wantan. its a long story. haih~
no more emo & sad dy until i listened to a song. 

你会不会忽然的出现 在街角的咖啡店
我会带着笑脸 挥手寒喧 和你 坐着聊聊天
我多么想和你见一面 看看你最近改变
不再去说从前 只是寒喧 对你说一句
只是说一句 好久不见

seriously, its quite a long time i never think of you.
i'll be damn emo or even cry whenever i think of you.
you never left a thing for me when you leave.
but the memories were the best thing you left for me.

i miss you desperately. T____T

Friday, July 9, 2010


job done! =)
need someone to comment but its too late. 
4.17am~ everyone's sleeping.
actually i wanna ask whether will kelam kabut or not.. lol
fine la.. as long as i finished.
wonder how's the manual work..

skip my BM & AddMaths tuition.
rushed to ioi and ran to the photo shop.
rm1.50 per piece! over budget wtf! A4size for rm12.
so i decided edit all the photos in a A4 size document and develop it.
i used 1hour+ to edit it. 
then i ran back to the photo shop.
they tell me
DAMN! i seriously wanted to cry out. 

and... hahahaha~
i came home and cried ==lll
thanks YewKeong the Architect!
you words always comfort me.
you keep on introduce me which photo shop open late night but the problem is..
no one willing to fetch me there ><
subang? market? 

everyone's trying to help me.
but i really dont have the mood to reply them. 
i even scolded them. =(

Thursday, July 8, 2010

crazy soon!

this is what im doing.
seriously, its running me crazy.
lot of stuffs need to play with it. 
im stuck now. got no more idea what to design for the background.
this is 30% done! 
waiting for my classmates' photos.
and add more some background design then im done with it!

gonna watch fifa after this post.
cant stand the laggyy live stream~
so i decided to stop doing this and turn on the TV for fifa!
since i got no idea what to add in now >.<

nights! bye =)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


im over stressed ='(
crying cant solve my problem but at least im feeling better now.

why cant they do what i said?
if everyone can do and follow what i say, i may be fine now. 
dont make it complicated and i know what i want to do.
dont mess my mind up. thanks.

dont ask me whether im okay or not.
even im not okay also i will tell you that im okay. 
dont want to see my crying/ moody face again?
coorperate with me.

i will be fine soon. 

provoke my brain!

ARGHH!! sleepless life! 

Add Maths Project : Done!
Graphic Team's work : Hopefully teacher says " okay, your job is done! "
Senior Page : FML! Photo also dont have! & need to submit this friday!
Camp Games : I wont complain bout this. Camp always bright up my lifes!
ICT Assignments : Left Network Assignment (Home Do) & Database (School Do).  phew~ luckily!

I rather do report. Reports are much more easier! 
but no more report for us. haha! Thanks God!

Recently very despo la! Graphic's works la! Dont know what shit they submit to me. Helped them edit a lot! duhhhhhh... I tell you ah.. This is the last time for being a leader. Im not strict enough. They boys dont even listen what i said. Requirement papers gave them, but they never follow the requirement. In the end, im the one who helping them to complete the works. Really see no evil~ 

Last Friday, Chinese Singing Competition. I thought im not incharging anything because the competition was getting near and near and no one request for me to help. but.. Last Thursday, they requested me for help. lmao~ okay. Im willing to help. Im shocked that Kopi asked me to prepare all the things on Friday 1pm. Immediately my mind pop up "har? Friday only prepare ah? Past few years also prepare early woh... Fine la, maybe they have their own way." I dint say much and dont care la. Its Friday & i was sleeping. My phone rang.. 017.... Strangers? not going to pick up. 2nd time, same number.. I wondered quite a long time and i still answered the phone. LOL! SOS phone call. I dont have transport to go back and i spam call Kopi. Called lot of times but she never pick up. Fine, i decided to walk back to school but Kopi called up. Then, i sat her car back. 

Finished all the things and the system also okay. The Indon guy told me which chanel is for which wire.. I wrote down and the competition started. Im the only one who sitting there. The twins told me not to touch the things that they've set up. Competition started and i control the volume only lor. Got lots of volume problem.. Fucking pressure when everyone looking at me. lol... I dont even know their volume.. How to adjust? but i tried my best. But still.. lalalalalala~ Paggie's turn and i never noticed the red light blinking.. The system burst >.< Last year got this situation also.. hahaha.. I immediately ask CK for help, but he dont know what to do also. Ask the twins to come back lo.. They reset the system and control the system till the competition end. Pity lo.... Not perfect but at least okay though there were still some problem. The system overall OK la. They should have rehearsal next time so that they know their volume until where. 

Been doing minus one for the past whole week. Keep blow and blow~ ==lll sometimes, i really hope i dont have the extra knowledges that i have.

You may thinking why im so free to update my blog. hahahaha~ because i finished my graphic works mah! All i have to do is wait teacher's comment tomorrow. Hopefully there's nothing for me to edit anymore la. After this post, i dont know when i'll update again. Maybe after i finish the senior page bah~ =)