Friday, July 31, 2009

31 july 09

yor! july test officially finished!
seriously.. i never study.. except ICT =.=
erm.. science? last minute studied a bit. ^^
i revised ICT because of these conservations..

"teacher, some of them are not concentrating.."
"yeah.. i knew.. im going to see how's their july test result."

okay, i told myself..
"i will never let you guys underestimate me!"

wtf? during ICT test was so easy to cheat.
yeah.. i knew how to answer. so what?
i really regret why i wasted my energy to study at the late night.
" cheat and get the result only lar! "

i know i should not think like this.. but dont know why.. haiz..

back to the topic.
actually i wanna head to ioi to register my maxis number.
so today, i heard that wanyeng is going to ioi and i foll
owed them.
i finally get back my number ^^

then we went for pool. lol
wan yeng damn chicken lar.. but then still lose. ha
today i damn lucky!
afterthat headed to Sushi King.

we actually go there for GREEN TEA. lol
end up with playing WASABI =.=
played 5 10. keep on winning but then they so pa lia.
must make me lose only satisfied.
swt!! i lose to yee liang!
ate the sushi with lots of wasabi but i feel nothing. damn shoc
k wei!

look at yee liang! he also cant tahan the Wasabi!

damn serious o.O

she? ok ok lar.. not bad.. can fight with me ^^

SaD FroG

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