Friday, December 31, 2010

Facebook Statuses

Adam Ang
‎1- Shorty~ Hey Hey... Long time no see too~ Well Known you for like more than 5 years but never really know u enough.. =D Your a lil crazy at time and at times very smart. You dun have to feel ashamed about your height! Be proud that you can stay young longer than the rest =] Enjoy every moment you have while it last, because the real world is cruel. But dun be afraid of it, Because you shouldn't be! =] 

Tan Viviam

444 :)
My dear sistaaa! I miss you! 
sudah berpuluh puluh tahun x meet you.
last time we meet was in Midvalley you working there. LOL
A-Mei super fansss!
A cute cute girl always with big smile on face. 
Happy-Go-Lucky type lo !!
When I see your smile , I can feel ur happiness. seriously leh! XD

Low Pui Mun
444- a shark jiejie from famine 30 xDDD everytime tell lan gek then laugh like crazy.

Cheong Yi Sin‎
444 - See this number also tahu you're sei sorpoh lo! I miss the time we laugh together in famine 30 weih especially the shakespear. == Date me out someday lah! I miss you! ♥

Jeremy Toh
444, OI SHORTY. xDD No offense. (: YOU CAN GO REALLY CRAZY SOMETIMESSS. I like that. We should go clubbing clubbing and get high and get drunk.OR MAYBE SHISHA. :DD ANYWAYS, have fun in your life. (:

Jevelyn Ong
444 - u ar u...dun let me write chinese pula~use english is hard to express le... u noe la~my english nt as good as urs...hehehe =P u r so cute...until everyone tat noe u so sayang u(mayb u dun think so bt i feel so=P) u r so mature...which is unexpected...u r even more mature if compare v me..=P feel so bad la when i think about tis...haha...u smaller than me but u r mature than me... although we seldom contact n meet each other up...but our relationship is jt never change...still very close...haha... u ar~dun everytime keep everything inside ur heart..thr r so many ppl thr for u... me la~my bro la~ur fren la~a lot ppl will worry bout u... when u r upset dun keep's nt good for u...i noe u can handle those emotion very well but...sometimes u nid to release oso...right?? ^^ btw~im waiting cny to gather v u all!! ^^

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