Thursday, December 23, 2010

Angry Update

He failed his PMR, got an E for history. Damn ya! He got nagged from me until he cant stand and he went out. I dont understand... PMR failed, nevermind. but his UEC also not good lo! Study at CHHS but his Chinese get C. Helo, wtf right? Even Im better than him. At least I get a B for my Chinese paper and I passed my PMR. Though the result isnt that good. 

Haiz... Whats the point for sacrificing my chance to study at Sri KL and giving him the chance to study at CHHS. He told me that he's not good in BM so he wanted to go CHHS. Nah! whats that fucking result he get? =.= My gawd... Seriously, he's wasting his time and dad's money lo. You give me that money to study at a better college la! I swear I'll put my hard work for the course that im interested lo! 

Dont know la... what the fuck! I gonna enjoy my holidays at S'pore. Actually I dont really have the mood to go travel. I dont know why.. dont feel like going out >.< And the earphone I want isnt selling ady. So... I dont know whats the point I go there la. Perhaps Ipod Touch4? But im still struggling. LOL! BUT FOR NOW! The heat is slowing heating me up. I wanna leave this house. I dont wanna see any of them -.- Thanks God, I've choosen this trip. 

With Loves,

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