Friday, December 31, 2010


Is time to buy CNY's shirt baybeh! I? haven get any. LOL. Got la... From SG? LOL! Eh~ Thats for home wear. hahahaha! There comes the new year, what look I should change? Hah! My cousin said: "Eh, You're 18 man... Stop wearing those T-shirt la. Change to more feminine la! No more cool cool and man man look please. No more box box checked checked plaid plaid shirt la. You're getting SQUARE!" I was like... ahhh?? Any problem? So what now? I only can wear basic tank and cardigan? No matter what, I wont stop buying check shirt lo.

I found an office job. Means I have to change my look to more OL but I still struggling whether I should work for it or not. HAHAHA!! I found promoters job too. Heh... 5days per week, RM80 per day, a canon promoter. Juice promoter, RM80 per day, every Friday Saturday and Sunday. Eh, Stand whole day for RM80. Im not stupid wei! I rather sit at the office become telemarketer, with the computer on and call without charging 1cent of mine! Although only 1k baisc per month la. I dont mind. As long as its a relaxing job. You give me high pay I willing to stand for the whole day la.

Most of my friends start working dy. Me? Still honeymoon-ing... hahahaha~ Apa macam?? OL look. ROFL! Damn I cant stop laughing at myself. -.-

Dates for New Year
Sunway ( The Gang ) - NO!
Mont Kiara & Genting ( Cousin and her BF ) - NO! I dont wanna be light bulb for new year =.=
IOI ( AhWah That Gang ) - NO! What the heck... go there for what?! play bowling so imba!!
Johor ( SayYeing invited ) - I want to, but NO bus tickets for me. ='(

BBQ ( Jen invited )
Dinner ( Koay with The Gang invited )
Grilled Lamb Party ( Uncle Tim's house )

2011 Target
- GC Watch
- Bose Speaker

With Loves,
CPL =)

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