Monday, January 3, 2011

Random Shopping

The TANGS~ I love the TANGS but somehow it let me down. =.=
Haiz.. only 2outlets, cant they just take in the same brands? 
Some brands @ Empire, some brands @ Pavillion.

I want Nixon black silicone watch. Its at Empire. I want Fred Perry shoe. Its at Pavillion. Walao~~~ Dont know lah =.= Aduhh.. Gek sam~ Hopefully they will call me when the stock reach. I want that black NIXON!!!! GAHHHHHHH!!! Went for a random shopping. Bought working outfits. Maybe la~ if not working then keep it at cupboard only. LOL. Mountain people mountain sea! Dont wanna find shirts from those messy corner with big 50% Discount manilla card there. Fitting room flooded with humans. My gawd~ And I met JM and SkyKino today at seksyen1! hahahahahaha

Parent getting crazy now days. Nag people without reason. My bro and I really cant stand for it anymore. =.= Aiks~ Bro gonna start his school again, I guess I should really get a job! If not I'll be the only victim.

Since the day i came back from SG, I think I went out every night. LOL!! Every night with different people. Thomas, KP, Pierre Tan, SF, Ah Wah, VPiow, EuGene, IX, MY, LS.. New Year eve with The Gang of guys. My gosh~ Ah Wah asked for yam cha tonight. I balik sudah macam mayat so I slept. hahahahahaha~  

With Loves,
CPL =)

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