Thursday, January 20, 2011

Everything goes up, must come down.

I get to know, each time i break down, i fall, i bruise, i pause, i die. Its hard to believe that ‘LIKE’ often leads to LOVE, then to EXPECTATIONS, then to the heartbreaking DISAPPOINTMENT but this is the way how it works. The LOVE circle for ME.
I dont understand why, even people say you cant never know what is love, how is love created, where is love and WHY THE PHUCK LOVE EVER EXIST and people are always looking for something, searching, always, FOREVER. Agree or not? On the other hand, is that HUMANS are always hiding something, stashing it, always and forever! Whatever it is, it aint good. Hahahaha~~
March, the dead month of mine. Im afraid of March. The month you left me, i dont want to recall anything. I KNOW i get OVER you and i FACE the FACT. You know, the Machines guy? heeeeee~ Never mind. Im HAPPY with my life but just.. I dont know why, i dont want March to come. Perhaps there's a lot of things for me to decide. There comes the result, and here i have to decide which course and which college. 
No worries, dear. Im just here and HERE. 
Next update will be my 2011's first blood. Stay tune, readers.
With Loves,
CPL =)

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