Friday, December 31, 2010

Facebook Statuses

Adam Ang
‎1- Shorty~ Hey Hey... Long time no see too~ Well Known you for like more than 5 years but never really know u enough.. =D Your a lil crazy at time and at times very smart. You dun have to feel ashamed about your height! Be proud that you can stay young longer than the rest =] Enjoy every moment you have while it last, because the real world is cruel. But dun be afraid of it, Because you shouldn't be! =] 

Tan Viviam

444 :)
My dear sistaaa! I miss you! 
sudah berpuluh puluh tahun x meet you.
last time we meet was in Midvalley you working there. LOL
A-Mei super fansss!
A cute cute girl always with big smile on face. 
Happy-Go-Lucky type lo !!
When I see your smile , I can feel ur happiness. seriously leh! XD

Low Pui Mun
444- a shark jiejie from famine 30 xDDD everytime tell lan gek then laugh like crazy.

Cheong Yi Sin‎
444 - See this number also tahu you're sei sorpoh lo! I miss the time we laugh together in famine 30 weih especially the shakespear. == Date me out someday lah! I miss you! ♥

Jeremy Toh
444, OI SHORTY. xDD No offense. (: YOU CAN GO REALLY CRAZY SOMETIMESSS. I like that. We should go clubbing clubbing and get high and get drunk.OR MAYBE SHISHA. :DD ANYWAYS, have fun in your life. (:

Jevelyn Ong
444 - u ar u...dun let me write chinese pula~use english is hard to express le... u noe la~my english nt as good as urs...hehehe =P u r so cute...until everyone tat noe u so sayang u(mayb u dun think so bt i feel so=P) u r so mature...which is unexpected...u r even more mature if compare v me..=P feel so bad la when i think about tis...haha...u smaller than me but u r mature than me... although we seldom contact n meet each other up...but our relationship is jt never change...still very close...haha... u ar~dun everytime keep everything inside ur heart..thr r so many ppl thr for u... me la~my bro la~ur fren la~a lot ppl will worry bout u... when u r upset dun keep's nt good for u...i noe u can handle those emotion very well but...sometimes u nid to release oso...right?? ^^ btw~im waiting cny to gather v u all!! ^^


Is time to buy CNY's shirt baybeh! I? haven get any. LOL. Got la... From SG? LOL! Eh~ Thats for home wear. hahahaha! There comes the new year, what look I should change? Hah! My cousin said: "Eh, You're 18 man... Stop wearing those T-shirt la. Change to more feminine la! No more cool cool and man man look please. No more box box checked checked plaid plaid shirt la. You're getting SQUARE!" I was like... ahhh?? Any problem? So what now? I only can wear basic tank and cardigan? No matter what, I wont stop buying check shirt lo.

I found an office job. Means I have to change my look to more OL but I still struggling whether I should work for it or not. HAHAHA!! I found promoters job too. Heh... 5days per week, RM80 per day, a canon promoter. Juice promoter, RM80 per day, every Friday Saturday and Sunday. Eh, Stand whole day for RM80. Im not stupid wei! I rather sit at the office become telemarketer, with the computer on and call without charging 1cent of mine! Although only 1k baisc per month la. I dont mind. As long as its a relaxing job. You give me high pay I willing to stand for the whole day la.

Most of my friends start working dy. Me? Still honeymoon-ing... hahahaha~ Apa macam?? OL look. ROFL! Damn I cant stop laughing at myself. -.-

Dates for New Year
Sunway ( The Gang ) - NO!
Mont Kiara & Genting ( Cousin and her BF ) - NO! I dont wanna be light bulb for new year =.=
IOI ( AhWah That Gang ) - NO! What the heck... go there for what?! play bowling so imba!!
Johor ( SayYeing invited ) - I want to, but NO bus tickets for me. ='(

BBQ ( Jen invited )
Dinner ( Koay with The Gang invited )
Grilled Lamb Party ( Uncle Tim's house )

2011 Target
- GC Watch
- Bose Speaker

With Loves,
CPL =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Angry Update

He failed his PMR, got an E for history. Damn ya! He got nagged from me until he cant stand and he went out. I dont understand... PMR failed, nevermind. but his UEC also not good lo! Study at CHHS but his Chinese get C. Helo, wtf right? Even Im better than him. At least I get a B for my Chinese paper and I passed my PMR. Though the result isnt that good. 

Haiz... Whats the point for sacrificing my chance to study at Sri KL and giving him the chance to study at CHHS. He told me that he's not good in BM so he wanted to go CHHS. Nah! whats that fucking result he get? =.= My gawd... Seriously, he's wasting his time and dad's money lo. You give me that money to study at a better college la! I swear I'll put my hard work for the course that im interested lo! 

Dont know la... what the fuck! I gonna enjoy my holidays at S'pore. Actually I dont really have the mood to go travel. I dont know why.. dont feel like going out >.< And the earphone I want isnt selling ady. So... I dont know whats the point I go there la. Perhaps Ipod Touch4? But im still struggling. LOL! BUT FOR NOW! The heat is slowing heating me up. I wanna leave this house. I dont wanna see any of them -.- Thanks God, I've choosen this trip. 

With Loves,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I dont know what to update. Just simply do a report bout my SPM then.

BM - easy.. easy till i cant finish... LOL
BI - essay sec A used too much of time, sec B simply do. hahahaha!  
BC - 1word x 2 = GG
MM - P1 not enough time to do. tembak-ed around 20 questions. P2 quite easy.
AM - GG!! 
ACC - GG!! -.- not only me. question that only came out once in SPM within 17years. so bad luck!
ICT - no idea. lol.. macam all answer also suitable.. 
SEJ - hahahahaha!! tips? go die -.- wasted my time!
PM - errrrrr~~ some of the definasi, i remembered infront but forgot behind or i remember behind, forgot infront =.=
SC - easy until some of the questions i dont know how to do. unexpectable questions! >.<

Lets say about my holidays. Nothing actually. -.- Every night dramas only. Stay at home everyday. LOL! I have lot of activities can join actually but I dont want. Dont even have the outing mood. BTW, most of it are with my cousins and you know... I dont need to pay a single cent whenever I go out with them. Thats why I dont like so I choose to stay at home lo. 

I met you yesterday. Thanks for meeting me up before you leave M'sia. Thats my best x'mas gift! I apologize if what I said were too straight forward. You ignored me whenever you want, then out of sudden you find me back. 3 times also like that. Take your time and realize how you settle your relationship problem. Most of all, we're still friends. ^.^ There goes the happy ending. I had my 2nd korean meal today with Hou, Yen, Maki and Hester. Remember my 1st korean meal? xD Thanks for it. 

Gonna celebrate my x'mas at S'pore this year. Im still struggling whether I should buy Ipod Touch 4 or not. Its too late for me to buy and its a waste. I have to wait for the Jailbreak software and by the time they release, there goes the New Ipod Touch 5. =.= What to do with an Ipod Touch without Jailbreak then? HOW?!!!!! Should I buy or not?? T______T

With Loves, 
CPL. =)