Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Last thursday was the PBA singing competition.
i bertugas the PA system lor. controlling the pc.
the joy control the sound system.
afterthat changed to FH.
when changed to FH, he trying to make the volume louder.
but then suddenly the PA bomb.
OMG it's yyin's turn! i was like sorrying =.=
the sound system was the most terrible one during yyin's turn.
and then i open the wrong music.
i just according to the list they gave me.
oh man~ they arrange wrongly.
everyone looking at me.. i was like what happen?
WRONG MUSIC!.... got meh? i click according to the list only lor.
who knows... they arranged wrongly. LOL

tu~ no comment. 5,6 and 5,6 again.

found it from my phone. XQ took it.
look at my hair. hahaha.
dont know messy or what. LOL

Lastly, congrats to yyin.
she got the duet and single's champion.
besides, she won the most popular trophy too.

so, dont blame the PA system.
ps: wrote this because someone blamed the PA and scolded someone.

terrible... horrible.. vegetable.. aiks..


double eyelids? LMAO!
damn funny you know.
yesterday went to yyin's house cause having add maths tuition.
3.30pm rained heavily. rain rain go away~ come again another day. no1 wish to.. haha
so we postponed our tuition.
then started to play with the double eyelids. =.=
xin yie the victim. HAHAHA.
really ROFL! she kept ingoring and shouting around.
yyin and kyi pasted it for her while me grasped her.
she so guai lan lor.
they pasted it and we LAUGH OUT LOUD!
LOL! laugh till even tears came out. ==

oh~ she's gonna kill me if she see this. hahaha


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