Monday, June 6, 2011

STFU is best way to keep secrets or whatsoever

i broke down in a sudden
since last week
i couldnt recall anything
no sign of recognition of everything
sitting in the bus and stared straight to the road
driving on the road with the damn lost brain
walking with a direction-senseless-brain
i gotta spell my sentiments
right here, again

i can see the evolve of life
like a cocoon breaking free into a butterfly
i wondered for an instant
and thoughts were talking to each other
i saw a family
playing badminton at the field
cherishing meanwhile

people change sometimes 
in a impulsive way
after the departure of the loved ones
things really started to mess up
i wanna spend time with you all
i really do
i always wanted to have a good chat
but why you keep on scolding me when im homed
doesnt matter im sitting at home or i hang out with friends
i dont really consider sitting together for 10 minutes or asking how are you 
so i try and plan so hard to hang out with my friends
which i do really found myself being cared
although they're leaving gradually
one by one
fewer and fewer

or perhaps
you consider scolding or nagging is caring
but i'll just shut the fuck up and keep it all to myself
i still gotta go on with life

im just trying to render my thoughts
yet this is not the trivial matters of life
which makes me feel so empty

With Loves,
CPL =)

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