Saturday, June 11, 2011

Futile recession of life

Holla peeps! All the sudden i totally felt so bad and impulsively stopped everything. I got very tired of living in the realm of people. My apologies for those who compulsively busted my phone, numerous calls and crazy texts. I felt all of your concern and care of me and some of you even ditched me up. Lol. SORRY GUYS. >.< and my phone, as for those who called, sorry that i didnt pick up and those who text, my phone still runs dry for a week so i couldnt manage to reply. Yes, im somehow caging myself. I hear voices of people, the annoying, disturbing, the nagging, the chatter, the trouble. Everytime, i close my eyes. I guess i had enough and i do thirst for a breach.

Here am i, speeching to an empty crowd, and myself on stage. Life isnt about pursuing what you want, neither to wait, is to cheer up in every circumstances. Days are better now, so dont worry people. Just give me a little more time okay? Will be very very busy with my tests and assignments BLAH.

I’ll be back, soon. ;)

With Loves,
CPL =)

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