Monday, May 23, 2011


I've been thinking about SEX, this topic since the day i saw a guy and a pregnant lady went into Guardian grabbed few boxes of condom and few bottles of lubricating oil. DAMN! She's pregnant, why the guy was so desperate to have sex? Kissing while paying. Can see how desperate he was! Yeah, saw this scene quite long ago.

Recently someone asked me
"Eh.. you prefer sex before marry or sex after marry?"
of course i PREFER sex after marry

but in MINE opinion
you wont die without having sex
you wont die even you have sex

male's thinking
if you love me, why dont you have sex with me?
while female's thinking
if you love me, why cant you respect me?
so who's the right one and who's the wrong one?
for ME,
no one is wrong

i wonder there's anyone
who CANT accept a "2nd hand" wife
or maybe i should say
anyone who CAN accept a "clean" wife?
in this century

its 21st century
do what you want but think before you do
and dont regret for what you have done

Oh ya btw, everyone is sharing the "husband, i love you" blog in facebook. I was so curious bout that and i clicked in to read. WAH! I never seen someone so "open" before. She type out the sex procedure she had with her boyfriend. Its an UNDERAGE GIRL and already has a boyfriend but still she seduce another boy and even her brother. Some more want to type at blog and let people know. SHAME ON YOU, LITTLE SLUT!

With Loves,
CPL =)

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