Wednesday, February 24, 2010

im back! wahahaha

hey guys!! sorry for MIA-ing for few months!
i saw dust here! xD
what to post?
hmmm.. im back from taiwan?
aiyo~ long story man!
nice place i went.
awesome days i had.

check out my pictures at Facebook!
im not going to upload here~ heeeeee...

ps: I love & miss my KMT taiwan friends!

Im quite busy since the school starts. =(

CNY? i spent almost 1week with my mum's side family.
wooooottt!! crazy CNY~ ><
my father side all x boleh bagi angpao. poor thing.
get less so many angpao this year!

march coming so soon!
camps camps camps!
whatcha thinking? you're right! monthly test!

i wanna SHOP!
i want LOMO!
i want GUITAR!
i want AMEI! xD

yeah. im going to her concert! this is for sure~
though i dont have enough money to buy VIP ticket. sad thing.
amei-zing~~ duhhhh.. im poor now because of her ticket!
SO WHAT! its worth! everything of her is worth for me!

okay. know what?
im form 5 now! wuatafak!
senior leh!!! gosh~
and i emo easily ==

apa lagi??


gosh~ almost forget it.
Happy Birthday Star Star!! xD
God Bless!

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