Wednesday, December 9, 2009


yo peeps! sorry for MIA-ing.

I ended my job. I dont know what to explain my mood now. Happy because i dont need to wake up so early anymore. Sad because i miss the moment with them a lot. The moment i laughed, i bet its more than when im in school. They tickle me, they played with me, they bullied me, they...... 1month... Its over now. Very very very fast! and, Im here to say Thanks to Yew Keong. The guy who influence me. He taught me a lots of thing. He treat me ice-cream, chocolates & my debut korean dinner. He's a weird guy. What i can say is, he's over moral-ed! anyway, thank you very much! You taught me "what's life"! I learned bout Mac, IMac, Ipods, Iphones & others. Guess what? They call me Pro because the way i stick the screen protector is extremely perfect! *self praising* The staffs even want to hire me as their "personal stick screen protector staff". LOL~~ I shopped everyday. I get what i want!

I went IOI with JM. Its suppose to be a reunion but end up become only me and him. So? call it as outing lor. We went to RedBox and we had fun!
I went Wings, Puteri with Calvin, Yin Peng & Ah Kau. Too
bad, Boey cant join us. I laughed a lots! Till "cao kan" -.-

I packed my things till half way only!~~~ And I said "haiya!! very fan ar!! dont know what to pack! Continue when mum is back lar~" >.<
I had my last year 2009's guitar class in a sleepy mood =.=
At night, I went yam cha with my relatives. Guess what? I received angpau =D

Today night?
I will go out with Choi Wan, Jen and Baobei!
Blogging now lor~ and i will pack my things later!

Say Yeah!!! I get my new toy- My Little Pod Pod! Here's the picture.

My new sport shoe! Debut Mizuno shoe! I bought it at The Gardens' Mizuno shop.
Get bored with Nike? Get a Mizuno!! Its comfortable!!
Its having promo now. but still cost 196bucks =.=

Get a new cheap camera. Cost me 650bucks. ROAR!!
I wanna get a DSLR la!!! I bought this because my mum want it. lol
never mind la~ I'll get a DSLR & a Lomography ASAP!!

Im going to leave Puchong tomorrow and head to KL's Ancasa Hotel.
Will leave Malaysia on Friday morning!
I'll be back on 31 dec! wait me back!! and lets go countdown!

Wish All of You a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

ps: I know its too early la -.-

SaD FroG

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