Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Scaring dream

Monday morning,
i dreamt baobei kena kidnapped ='(
scared me man!

Last sunday, i told her a story and she asked me to rob the girl. What i remember is she ask me to kidnap lo but she say she ask me to rob wo. And we chatted a lot in msn.

And what we chatted were in the dream. WTF

Lets say about the dream.

She was a rich girl. One day, she asked me to go out. (some place looks like badminton court) TEC was her driver. When we're chatting inside the place, she asked driver to get something for her. Suddenly, driver shouted "help!". She ran out and have a look. Then, she also shouted "help!". I was shocked and i go and have a look. WTF! Someone kidnapped both of them. I saw and ran out because i manage to save her. But when i stepped out to the parking lots, another guy came in. I ran back and hide behind the door. [Hello, they have 1 more people. What if i also kena kidnapped? Who recognize them?] Then the 3guys bring them to the gate. Baobei's brother came back from toilet and he walked in from front door. I quickly ran to the front door to see what they're trying to do. Her brother saw and wanted to save them. I pulled him. A car fetched them to another place.

Alarm rang and i woke up.
I was like... huh??? dreaming??
I messaged her and she whether she's safe or not. =.=
Luckily she's safe. If its real, im going to cry till Puchong flood.
And i remembered clearly, Baobei was wearing a red t-shirt and a black short pants.

Hopefully i wont dream bout it again.
Dream bout something sweet la please!

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