Sunday, November 22, 2009

I <3 our Night Life!

Boo! Im tired! but im still blogging here! =D

Know what? Im so abnormal now. Got influence by Machines' staff =.= I heard that there is a farewell for Cheah SH. Gosh! He's leaving? Why? So young yet he's an assistant manager. Tell you what, he everyday also buy Starbucks Coffee. >.<>

Weekdays damn boring la. so called "slap fly" (cantonese) no customers! my god! Weekends quite lots of customers and 21/11 was the busiest day within this 2 weeks! Anyway, i love weekends! because Mark & Jagathees is there. hahahha!

Okay, okay. Back to my title.
I received call from baobei. She asked me go yam cha lor. I never bring keys oh.. How? I still went. I asked someone to wait for my door. xD Then, suddenly want change place. Aiya, I follow only lor. She hor..... =.= Always rap me in car lor. Jen and Choi Wan sudah biasa. hahaha... Very dangerous but she's like dont care? and still continue. LOL! Seriously, next time you guys sit infront la. Dont give me "because you're her baobei" as reason. I suffer you all also suffer. =D At first we plan to play table pool but it's closed. So, we went to the Puteri Hill to see the night view. You know what? I only saw a lot of lights. I dont see any building -.- because i never wear my spec. ^^ haha! We cant do anything there because we're not couples. LMAO! Then, we started our crazy moment lor. Tangkap Foto Tangkap Foto! A lot of cars passed by, but... WHO CARES HUH!?

Enjoy the pictures!

love them!

*looking at her and wonder* haiz.. why she never bring her medicine out?

HAHA!! This is so funny!!

She loves this pose nia!

why 3 of you dont smile!??

This is nice =D

Jen! Im taller now! ^^

haha! i dont know who tangkap this la.
but if it's not blur, it's a very natural photo. =)

Leng Lui of the day!

This kinna (hokkien)... no eye see..

3 of them pissing off! GRR!!

yeng la yeng la!

i dont know what this pic mean.. =.=

magnificent pose, magnificent shot! xD

ps: i cant stop laughing at myself =.=

see no evil x.x

OI! lu orang punya bapa beli jalan itu ka??

dont ask me why i have a
bitchy &
baobei. =.=

LOL! another stupid pic! laugh la~

Phone Models! Belilah Sony Ericson~

so random!

self obsessed?

Kaki Lepak!!

Kalau bapalu Abdullah pun x boleh berdiri kat jalan itu la! haiyo..

see this leng zai =D

naughty kinna

i saw a pair of couple kissing there! =X

I love this!

I snap you, you snap me.
We're happy family.

4 of us.

dont think you're that tall lor~

Enjoying the wind blow~

want more pictures?
sila pergi facebook. Arigato!

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