Friday, August 13, 2010

Not reality. No emo. Alejandro Jesther.

I slept at 1.30am yesterday & I dreamt of him. When I want to dream of him that time, he'll never appear in my dream. End up, dreaming Giddens, Saito & other funny dreams. WTF! OMGawd, please dont mess up my life. I know you're always my best bro but sigh.... I continue to sleep & I dreamt again. Not him this time. >.< But its not a sweet dream. LOL~ It was 4.30am, I never continue to sleep till school dismissed. I went home and took a nap. I dreamt of her. She said she've to leave me. Story damn long... I was shocked! Heartbroken and crying non stop. My heart went numb. Immediately I woke up & I wiped off my tears. I PHEW-ed. Luckily it was just a dream. And what's these dreams doing with me? ='(

Its not a good day for me. Teacher called me again. 2 pages+1 cover need to re-edit. Stupid people! Want participate but dont want do it properly. Help you edit that RM100 want share with me or not? CB! Teacher called me the third times. Everytime she call me, my heart pump damn fast. I dont know why im so scared of her. >.< My classmate, sibeh lan7 fan lo! Want get things from me but dont want wait. Make me so damn Fuck Up! My schedule damn pack. PodPod haven jailbreak & restore, haven help my brother format his lappy which I promised him 3months ago, haven clean my room, haven............ but I still got time to go out with friends. LAWL! Why human being always like that? hmmm.. I read an article from FB. True until I speechless. lol... Somtimes I just dont know why.. Its easy but I always make it complicated. Same goes to Maths solving. =.= Maybe because Im complicated too. hahahahaha~ 

"How r we going 2 understand each other when we r not willing 2 listen..?" 
I willing to listen to you but Im not willing to tell >.<
Im that stubborn, I admit.

With Loves,
CPL =)

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