Thursday, August 19, 2010


True right! Sometimes I really felt like that ='(

Hahahahaha! Im here to blog again. I wanted to play guitar while waiting for the files to be save. but... What festival now? I scare ghost... >.< Do you know how big is the files? 4files total up 5GB! Quality OVER good XD School PC sucks! Whenever I put my pendrive in, sure kena virus! School PCs all got virus.. == I brought lappy to school for the second times dy. Next monday will be the third time == Actually I very sleepy lo.. but cant sleep so I finding things to do to avoid I TERsleep. Enjoy playing with the malay girls and indian boys recently. I even play with the indian boys during tuition. LOL. Eating and eating, joking and joking, playing and playing, sleeping and sleeping, dreaming and dreaming during free period also. Really enjoy a lot. hahahaha~ Whenever Im a little bit quiet, my friend will ask "oi.. you emo?" WHAT LA YOU ALL! August is a HWAT month! =D Is time to be serious dy. Start to do pass year questions and learn from mistakes! =) Ah Tan changed the tuition timetable. I dont know how to arrange my timetable dy. Messed up my timetable! RAWR! Crash with my Account tuition time! ishhhhhh~~ I ate GCB just now! not bad la.. have a try.. but the size isnt the same >< I remember I accompany Mel eat GCB at IOI's McD. Its way smaller than Taipan's McD GCB. LOL! I should go pasar malam with Mel but i put his helicopter. hahahahahaha~ I cant tahan. He wanted to go at 10.30pm. Im so so so hungry.. How to tahan? =S On the way to Taipan, a lot of craps and interesting "things" happened. Damn fish lo 3 (boy & wantan) of us! Our things spoil together in 1 night. My Swiss Polo wallet!! Need to go shopping dy.. Waiting for Roxy member card day and sales ^^ Lazy to type those interesting "things" la since the files going to complete. hahahahaha~ anyway, its a memorable day. Bye bye!

夜太黑, 现实令你疲惫

天慢慢亮了, 街灯熄灭了
昨夜它走了, 人总要向前望的

管它前面是黑还是光, 我们都要往前走.
人生嘛, 难免会这样的! =)

With Loves,
CPL =)

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