Monday, July 6, 2009

Ymm & Puchong 6 Schools - Friendship Association

look at this popo. even she get high!

the most handsome & pretty.


the crowd.

drummer! looks familiar but dont know who.

workers~ dancers~

sexayy dance!

future's singers~

Diabolo performance!

black crow! haha

Zhen Hao! haha! he's damn funny.

this girl... no comment. lol


this guy... dont know what kind of bone is that. -.-



The crowd!

HAHAHA! Bravo MJ! jing han!

Jing han! you're damn cool weh...


HA! spot me! taking pictures!

Diabolo by Jing han! BRAVO AGAIN! COOL~

look at the abalone.. haha.. and the chairman-wei hoa.

last saturday, i went for the friendship association organised by YMM and schools.
700+ people there. what a crowd~
i went there for fun actually but there's work for me. lol
take photo.. hahaha..
puchong A's student only i went. no others.
there were schools from puchong, rawang, ampang, banting and others!
well.. what i can say is.. those who missed, damn wasted.
its a high+fun+great friendship association!

stay tune for more pictures!


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