Tuesday, July 28, 2009



quiet? yeah~ is damnnn blardy...
emo-ish me. not really in a good mood.
cause no phone alarm wake me up.
no phone's songs accompany me to sleep.
no more message =(
totally havin insomnia!
yet im so damn tired!
exam? bm? ok lor.
bi? errrr... the passage part i not really understand the questions.
keep on wonder.. cause few questions i havin 2doubts. haha

im so cool the whole day.. slept all the time.
midnight cant even sleep so i tried to find my nokia 1100i.
but i cant find it. sad..
cause i think that maybe my nokia 1100i saved the messages.


hahaha! you know what?
early in the morning, i found my nokia 1100i infront the laptop!
i was eh? why yesterday not there? >.<
grabbed my nokia 1100i & bumped into the car.
on the way to school, i changed my sim card to 1100i.
put all my hopes in that phone..
and YES! BINGO! messages are still inside!
and you may see im much more gila & playful compare with yesterday.

totally 2 person! ngeks~
add maths? duhhhh.... 33%
mati la aku kali ini.

SaD FroG

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