Monday, August 13, 2012

did i mention before that a swimming academy offered me a swimming instructor scholarship? have been a very hard time to decide to apply for that or not. after 3 weeks consideration, i decided to apply for it as it is what i want long time ago. the pay is good, as in so much better that those suckish promoter jobs, even better than those who works in da club. unhealthy, dangerous, smokey, dirty people with dirty minded perhaps? LOL well, its fact. i guide and instruct kids and i get paid. healthy job im doing right. i dont take it as a job, i take it as an interest, a hobby. was based in bukit jalil at first, doing good there. hahahaha indoor stadium, so i wont get tanned or sun burn :D but then, they transfer me to panasonic shah alam which is an outdoor stadium. the pool is deep -.- but 1 thing i love is people there are friendly and young hahahaha! peepos in bkt jalil are friendly too, but they are all like 25++ LOL! well, overall for both places not bad la. my next target will be DiveMaster :D

recently walking too close with S. he came KL to study, dont really has friend here. the cat sms-ed him that day. hope it's not something bad. i totally ignored the cat. he even came to Puchong. i was like wtf?! staying at Puchong now? i hope i wont bump into him, not even receiving a message from him. been receiving message from facebook few days ago but i replied text that he doesnt know what to reply. hahahahaha! i can only be sarcasm to him. i seriously dont wanna meet this psycho cat anymore. from nilai to puchong Zzzzz madness weih!

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