Sunday, October 9, 2011

Party week :D

The 5A4 BBQ Gathering Night :)
yeah, we're insane!

The Inti University Day 2011! :D
we turned the campus into a street club!
spot French & UK handsomieees!
Of course without DJ Skeletor, 
we will not able to party like that <3

Yo! the bitch birthday bash! :)
Thank you wantan helped me escape from them
love you muchhhhhhhhhhies

Shout Heee Yaaa Westlife!
Yeap, managed to get myself a ticket.
Cheapest one la of course, they aint Amei LOL xD
OMGee look at Shaneee! Mabeloved~
Backstreet boys, Boyzone, MLTR
when's you guys turn? D:

Gotta continue ma assignments :(
and ohhhhh ya!
fell down from the stairs and twisted my legs yesterday

imma an OKU now

PS: I found myself back for the whole week!

With Loves,
CPL :)

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