Sunday, October 23, 2011


Holla everyone! 
Its my holiday and i should give an update
since im not that FREE now days :D

was kinda busy studying
Test1 :O
and yeahhhhh ended LOL
how was it?
screwed all the paper especially Database and ENL

pissed off for almost the whole week
i dont know what's wrong with the people there
brainless and irresponsible human
damn it

they're youtube sensation
was struggling yesterday 
whether i should to their concert or not
cause i still can meet them in church for FREE
but end up i still went XD

God made this pretty talented twins!
they shared their awesome testimony
yeah, praise the lord!

 Sonia and Janice!

 I personally love Sonia! :D
envy her guitar playing skills so much

guess what?
i bumped into Jayesslee in the toilet LOL
just right infront of me
 they look so gorgeous and so sweet!

worth watching
awesome performance :)

This morning i went CHCKL to watch their live performance again
I was like...
hmmm... since i watched their concert yesterday
should i go today?

yeah my brain immediately pop up
"hello, its a service. why not? 
arent you supposed to be at church every sunday?"
shout Hossanna!

Jayesslee in City Harvest Church KL this morning.

May God's name be glorified!
truly blessed

With Loves,
CPL :)

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