Saturday, August 13, 2011

up up up up date =)

Heeelllo guys! Ogenki desuka? =) Oh well, im still alive. Duhhh very steady after the freaking film fest. Sorry for the long awaited update. Been very very busy, lazy and sluggish to do so HAHA! Okay okay, finals are coming, real soon. And yet still my eyes stuck to the computer. Tetris! some random new game i found in Facebook. Interesting game btw! Yeah, i miss you. it's been quite a long time LOL shouldnt be right? Im clear and know why i miss you again. Blame that freaking post! Not to forget, I yelled at my lecturer for the very very first time with a smiling face of course. He treated all of us good, but the way he mark our papers are just too strict. Sir, i know my english not that bad thoo. So frustrated bout it, but fine since im not the only one ='(

Specks of white light dots, glooming,
up in the wide black painted paper,
Easily to sort yet such so weak to sink.
but still hardly to be sundered.

okay okay I know its random.
Sort of thoughts pop up in my brain =)

Ways to Love
Promise without Frogetting
(Proverbs 13:12)

With Loves,
CPL =)

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