Friday, November 19, 2010

My recent life.

MIA-ed for 3days and I cant stand anymore. So i decided to online and take a breathe. This kind of owl life started since 2weeks ago, not suffering and I kinda enjoy it. Sleep at 9am early in the morning till 5pm evening. Stay awake to study from 1am-8am++ I love my 4am, your 6am because I wont be bored. xD Average everyday eat 1 meal only, normal human being's dinner but its my brunch. 39 effing kg, gotta be underweight soon. Went yam cha with my friends at Damansara, Yen Ping said "wei.. you tall dy wor..." LOL! She's not the first one who say dy. Even my schoolmates and my stupid brother said the same thing. Guess their eye sight really got problem... >.<

I drove out and da pao at midnight sometimes. Hang out to McD/ Taylor from 8pm-1am just to study with my friends. If it's my turn to drive them, then i'll be home at 1.30am. Most of the day, I went home at 1am. 1am, is a promise to myself which I have to be at home to study at this time. So no matter where I go, I'll try to be home at 1am. A message "woi, long time never kap Jade la..." and I replied "jom lo.. we go now..". Great, a night @ Alive again but I managed to reach home at 1am. ^^ Normal chatting "eh.. lets go Genting.." and I said "if everyone is on, why not?" Oh God, really on. So I went too and reached home at 3am. No rest time for myself, continue stick with the books. These outings kinda messed up my timetable but still... I can catch up.

Have a look at my report card yesterday, ICT- the only subject that I can be proud of it for my secondary school time. A1, A2, A-,A these were the grades I get for it but for my Form5's midterm, I get a C. Dont ask me why, just salute me that I sat for the paper without any revision. This subject isn't easy to score in SPM Bored of studying? Look at my childhood's photos. Immediately my mind pop out, how good if Im still a kid? Everyone was sleeping while Im doing this and that.

Well, 4more days to SPM. As I said before.. no matter what result I get, I'll not regret as long as I dont do stupid careless mistake. Good or bad, I dont give a damn. I've been pushing myself to study since 2weeks ago. If my results are bad, then I can only blame myself why I start my revision so late and never settle my things well. Before I blame myself, I'll blame you first! Blame why you give me this kind of things to do and settle! Or maybe I'll blame why you appear in my life. >.< duhhh....

I realized that im not as independent as what I thought. As what I said, I'll be hungry during midnight time so I get an apple to fill my hungriness and you know what? I dont know how to peel an apple indeed. I used 3 different type of knives to cut an apple. duhh... And what my stupid brother said is truth. One night, he said: "i bet you'll wake me up, because you dont know how to cook maggi mee and you need me." His words sarcasm me and makes me feel that im such a failure. -.-


With Loves,

Monday, November 15, 2010


My life still goes on, within you and without you.
Even if someday i dont have any friend,
I still can live my life.
Loneliness is a sin to be forgiven.
I dont mind to be alone.
It doesnt matter.

But imagine i live without the IT gadgets.
I.... rather DIE!

I get my thumb a ring today. 
Yeah, the second ring for my thumb.
 I lost my first ring 2years ago 
and I cant find back the same design from the shop.
The ring followed me for 1year+
but too bad, I lost it at my old house.
Now I want this to follow me at least 5years or more.

Nah, thumb?
some people think that Im weird.
Fuck it.

With Loves,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Silent reader

Dear silent reader,
I salute you.
I just changed to this link not more than 24hours.
But I already saw your appearance to my blog.
I haven give anyone my blog link so far.
You're great!

I met R.Chan on Wednesday at Leisure Mall!
The Mauritian from Madagascar.
A friend from Madagascar. Cool huh? xD 
He's still as handsome as last time.
Luckily i managed to meet him before he fly back to 
Buckingham, UK to continue his studies.
All the best, R.Chan!

With Loves,
CPL. =)

Friday, November 12, 2010

1111 Graduation Day

My heart was shouting this moment.
Not because im officially graduated.
Its the PROMISE that i promised myself since Form1.
I wish i've never make that promise.
It seriously hurts me, A & B.
The moment i get the message,
its like a knife poked into my heart.
Its okay for now, let it go.

Lazy to snap photo. -.-
As you know i dont like.
Except people take photos of me XD
Saw any camera and i squeeze in only.
So i only took some single photos with my bodoh friends.

More @ Facebook ^^

Oh ya,
My friends make me damn paiseh. 
It was my turn to go up to the stage to get the cert
and my bodoh friends yell =.=

Pen.Pengetua: "wah, you ada banyak peminat ya?"
me: *laugh laugh laugh non-stop" LOL!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Yeap. Im!
I have a good mood since yesterday.
When everything settled down,
its like no more burden.
My heart is smiling every moment.

Love schooling now days.
Had fun in school,
but not studying.
We act like we're 15.
We talk in Korean. XD

Oh ya,
Get D'Ace 2010 Magazine.
Dont know what to describe.
I can see the tears and sweats i had put in.




Google Translate,如果你信得过就随你~ 

Let you know something.
Nope, Im not angry just disappointed.
Dont need to apologise, you're not wrong.
Thats your life, health is yours. 
Arent mine.

Thanks for forgiving me.
and my first Korean meal. ^^

PS: I know you visit my blog often.
Dont need to delete your IP.
Im faster than you, my dear =)

Your budak kecik @  Pokemon,

Monday, November 8, 2010


Take ecstasy? Me? Wtf?! Do you know who the hell are you asking? Your little cousin know what's good and what's bad. I wont stop you from that. I know you wont listen what i say. I've wasted 1.5 years to advice you. I wont do that anymore. Same goes to cigarettes, beers and hookahs.. From Lot10 to Tanjung USJ just for hookah, i still accompany you. Cigarette infront of me, i bear though i hate it much. Beer, any bars. duhh. Ecstasy, you told me its a piece of cake. Nah, i dont care and dont even give a damn. Act like i dont care even i still care. Now you asking me to take... wake up la please... =.=

Another you, its like you dont even understand what i talking. You thought i want it to be like that? =.= Never mind.... I saw your photo which was your profile picture. Yeah, holding cigarette.. I felt so guilty. Melbourne's cigarette healthier is it? Still harmful la.. please.. believe me, you're too far away.. 

Continue act like i dont care. uhhhh....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Im pretty sure that
my dream room,
will fill with all these gadgets!

just wait for me. =)
15years or maybe lesser.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

fear of imperfection