Monday, June 28, 2010


hello, GEEKS! ;P
duhhh! i knew there's no one reading my blog ady la! 
"tracks of my tears" 
i can still post and read myself right? =D

but i dont really know what to post la. 
Recently? FIFA Fever! bet like siao! I even won my father! haha!
Oh yeah, the day i won MTV World Stage Ticket. I really cant believe that i won. lol~

I went to Bkt Tinggi Jusco to watch The A-Team. Well, the second times. Who cares? I dont need to pay a cent! hahaha! At first i thought Karate Kid. Aiyo! Then came back around 2.15am+ We canceled our yam cha session since all of them are tired. I came home and continue to watch drama. Time flew~ 3.59am. POP! a message from baobei via MSN. She told me 30seconds more to win the ticket. I click in and play for fun lo but then I won. LOL! wahaha! I should thanks her for telling me, if not i wont have a chance to win that. =) Thanks yo!

Last Friday, means 3days ago la! I went Sunway with Wantan, Boy & Fox. Madeah! I sibeh tired after coming back from school. I hold another invitation for almost 1 week since they always say i FFK them. ==ll Luckily, I had fun. LOL! Took quite lot of photos but i look sohai! HAHAHA! I saw OWL's stuff twice. It remind me of KAY SAY YEING. lol~ Reached home around 10.45pm. Tim called up for yam cha. PengShen's gf spot check him! lmao! damn funny lo. Oh ya! They forced me to change shirt. wtf! That pant i wore to Sunway should wear to Pavillion lo! End up, i wore the red polo shirt and sport pant to Pavillion. Shit! and then hor, this night i dont know what happen to me. I locked 1 lock only. Suppose to be 3 but i only locked 1. SOME MORE! I left the keys on the lock there. THEN! Wood Door never lock. IN ADDITIONAL! alarm never on. I kena scolded like hell. I dont think my father will let me go out till late night now. ='( WHY IM SO CARELESS!

Saturday, I went Lowyat and asked the price of PSP with Keys. Then headed to Pavillion to seek for my Charles & Keith shoe. MEHHHHHHHHH! wtf! no more dy! Cotton on opposite, we visited. Oh! TMD! Fitting room was so packed. CB! Then headed to Lot 10 and 7pm rushed home to watch Golden Melody Awards! YO MAN! Amei/Amit got 6 prizes out of 10! Amit HWAT & SEXY! 626 was her day! Isaac Chen was so handsome with the Western Suit but he wore sport shoe. ==lll and Eason never get any prize =(

Sunday, suppose to go Paciffic with SokFan but suddenly she say dont want. After awhile, got shopping plan! Went 1U~ siao hor? 1 week 3days continuous shopping. >.< went Zara again! No size! FML! Guess Kids no sales, poor thing! I bought 2shirts from Kitschen. Mentioned Kitschen? I sibeh dulan! They threw the sale item in seperate 2 sections. They never put neatly, never fold nicely, never arrange! I was like WTF?! I cari and cari~ get 2 pieces tried and paid. Seriously, x da mood to find lo. SWT! thought their outlet will have more choices but... walao! peik ceik! then i went to Charles and Keith to seek for that. Sad Thing~ No more also == haihhh... Fuck My Life la!

Wanna shop again! NOT SATISFIED!
like that i wont simply think ==ll wallet bleed better than heart bleed. you know i know what happen la. hmmm.. I think not even 1 here know. But i know God & Alex knew what happen though i cant face to face tell them. =)

zzzz watching fifa now. bye!

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