Monday, October 19, 2009

Sorry for MIA-ing.

hello peeps!
sorry for MIA-ing!

1 month ago~ yes, is 1 month ago. haha! I went MidValley with Viv, Kyi & Julia. We watched G-Force at GSC Signature. This is not the first time i went there for movie. But for them, that was their very debut movie at Signature. I rate 9/10 for G-Force. Epic! And i had a very good time with them. As i keep "stepping" them. lol

4 of us.

Im the special's one. xD

i guess you guys saw those pictures dy right? im lazy to upload. haha!

12/10 Monday.
hoolalala! Its Sam's big day. tick tock tick tock~ I was watching drama and i look to my phone clock. wtf?! Its 2am something i guess? Immediately i message her though i knew she slept already. Fyi, morning-afternoon or evening will be my sleeping time & night-midnight will be my active/awake time. LOL. I mean for holiday only la. I suppose to go Neway with them but my relatives came suddenly. I need to accompany them.

We went 1U to shop. Guess what? I got attracted by Forever 21. YES, its Forever 21. Recall back to 1 or 2 years ago. The very first time i step in Forever 21 in Pavillion. wtf?! Their clothes are darn blardy matured! Not even suit my style and its kinda pricy. That time F21 is still new i think. Dont have much clothes during that time. After that time, i never step in to Forever 21 anymore. BUT!! Last Monday, i went in again to accompany my relatives la & i seriously got attracted by their clothes! Specially their hoodies, jackets & plaid shirts!

haha! I will go there to shop again after my final exam. As you know i love to wear a Tee inside and another cloth (as long as they are long or half sleeves ) outside. Besides Forever 21, Im also highly attracted by Pull and Bear's jacket. fcuk! Its 170 bucks. I will go and get it after i get my salary. heeeee~ =D or someone willing to sponsor me? lol~~ Kitschen? Few of my friends recommended me. So i went there and have a look too but i not so interested with em. == Hmm... but i can say that their tees quite nice. lol~

Happy Birthday to Tan Vivian ( Primary Dead-Hard follwers )!
May all your wishes come true!
All the best.

p/s: wanna know who's her? see my blog right gadget named " HER DEAD-HARD FOLLOWERS (PRIMARY SCHOOL)". First left girl. haha! want her phone number? gonna get get.. gonna get get~ GET~~ GET~ GET~~ from me! LOL~~~

17/10 Saturday.
Its Sam's belated bday party. I woke up at 1pm. You know im having an owl's life right. haha! I forced myself to wake up. Bath> changed cloth> bumped into dad's car> walked to the bus stop and IOI's Secret Recipe, Here I am! Errrr... yes, im late. Most of her friend reached there and started to eat. Only LS, KP, MY, IX and me were Puchong Kias! After that, YY and KY came too. I ordered my favourite > Gourmet Pie. Sadly, the waiter told me " Sorry miss, Gourmet Pie finished ". ishhhhhhh...... Sam was so busy to entertain her friends that day. haha! Can see through she's damn happy lo. SOS! 4pm turned into working suit and work! Urgent Ganti. And i get extra 50bucks =D YEAH! hmmm.. but i cant go yam cha with ex-f5 lo. T.T

Its Exam week!
Dictionary is my best friend these few weeks!

SaD FroG

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