Friday, August 21, 2009

happy days =D

erm~ i think i forgot to post bout this 2days. ^^
thursday night,
i went yam cha with Midnight, ah boy, aunty sunshine & baobei. xD
actually baobei request to see show for those "human".
but all of us said " anything nice to watch meh?? "
lol~ then we changed our plan to meenas.
craps a lot and played poker card. wahahaha

all of us except aunty sunshine xD

who is aunty sunshine? lol
miss botak, miss no hair somemore what?
she's aunty suzanne leong! wahhaha..
she never take picture with us. actually we ignored her ^^

2pm went Sau Seng Lum to finish our work.
7pm went IOI for the Roadshow. Oww...
saw Jack Tan and Kit 张起政
damn blardy handsome la! but Kit more handsome. =)
never take photo with Kit because he's too busy. T_t
zhan hou and me. 2 crazy budak.
shake hands with the Miss M'sia and Kit.
and he even used my hands to wave when the kid sing My Heart Will Go On.
Titanic pose. lol...
damn funny lar.. everyone looking at us >.< memalukan. haha

SaD FroG

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