Wednesday, August 24, 2011

heaven or hell?

Love this picture to bits.
heaven or hell,
live or die,
laugh or cry,
cherish or despair.

PD gang xD
look at Kin Gor! hahaha

WanWan <3

Nice? =D

these are cute!

meet new faces!
i dont know how i
bumped into the bitches gang @.@

it's just next to us!

our tradisional game x)

Large Medium Small

Got invited to Duntoi's party. LOL! @KL Luna Bar and The Geographical Bar. I drank Mango chilled juice! Good girl k! =D Then stay overnight at shifu's place. Idiot =.= He said "I hate it when i wake up, my dick slip over and hit into my eyes." (Demo) Idiot enough lmao! The next day, i went KL again. Yes, AGAIN! Hunt for some stuffs, still have some to spend =) Will go again next week once cousin come back from HK. btw, she's complaining with me that HK is hot bla bla~ even bored. *Evil Laughs!*

Received Benny's urgent call, to help out for 2days in Perfect Livin'. LOL! Tio freelancer ffk =.= Well, he came all the way with his Mini Cooper from Serdang to fetch me and send me back after work. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Supper all counted on him. Urgent jobssssss are always like that, or he's nice and easy to bully? Luckily you've such good friend like me, tsk tsk.. erhem! XD He said: "what are you waiting for? please dont be so choosy and luxury, you're already 18!" petpet! You, 28years old still havent marry lo! still kao beh kao bu there. lmao

Alright then, gotta sleep already. See you guys around, cheers and happy always k? Dont be like me, miserable shit. LOL have fun yo!
Way to Love
Speak without accusing.
(James 1:19)

With Loves,
CPL =)

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