Sunday, June 5, 2011

the empty downtown of mine

in this abandoned place
a remote room
here sits a blank mind
wondering and asking herself of what is happening

nothing seemed to come and go 
like a dead road
i could hardly retain the colour of the wall
strong pure white as it was 
but i could see only pale
dwindling white
 fading away
my brain had lost the meaning of the word
i just dont see it
i could scarcely breathe that i felt lonely
i've never let myself down being optimistic and happy
feeling so empty this few days
but who would bother worry bout a pathetic

i dont know
but this is the only place i can spill my feelings 
theres nobody who really look you in the eyes 
and ask you truly whats with you
no one 
and i swear

so much for being a good friend after all 
i think i had all these figured out
that i would just shut the fuck up and keep everything to myself
 cause i cant really trust anyone 
like or love anyone no more 

its time for me to grow up 
so screw all these

sleep shall amend everything
but not till you open your eyes and see again 
i cried, i bruised, for NOTHING
here comes the insomnia

With Loves,
CPL =)

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