Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How will i spend my last week of holiday?

correction tape 

not lah! its a laser train
from KSY
brought all the way from BeiJing
then from BatuPahat
to here
She finally came
no more FFK me

KSY: " wah! zomok ni shou dao jiang li hai? "
CPL: " wah! zomok ni jiang chubby liao de?"

keep mention that i slimmed down in Whatsapp
she damn tall and matured
i feel so KID when i stand beside her

its my turn not to FFK her
i hope i wouldnt
planning to be HERS next week
if the plan goes smoothly XD
and i manage to buy bus ticket

Sunday come back and clean up my room
prepare everything and pack up my clothes
then shift into my new "home"
and say

"HALO! Im a new inti-an!"

With Loves,
CPL =)

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