Tuesday, February 15, 2011

random updates

Hello readers! Happy CNY!

Im doing well now. Crapping and Gossiping with the childish PIC in shop everyday. Yeah, we're damn free! We play poker cards, watch dramas, making ugly faces to each other & bla bla bla. Of course, the relationships with all the staffs are getting closer and closer. "tu tu" mouth, i learn from him =D You guys can call me salesgirl, as i am! Do you know, running sales are something very fun? XD hahahahaha! Sales person always hold 2side of faces. So, beware of me =) Honestly, Im telling the truth. We used to "tam" customers, if it makes them happy~ hahaha! Thats why, beware of my sweet mouth. haha! 70% are fake XD

Lets talk bout my CNY. I enjoy my cny very much. I went out every night with relatives or friends. Gamble non stop, winning non stop too! HOLD ON! I lost RM140 within 5mins. My god, listen to me! Never play Between in your life! Angpao? Compare to past few years, consider very less not include office angpao, Guan & Tim's pocket money. Well, i am proud to be who i am. I got extra pocket money from Guan & Tim. They only gave it to me among all my relatives, even my brother dint get it too. I just dont know why >.< Somehow, its kinda dangerous.

Everyone's asking "hey, where's your bf?". I was like.... huh?!, another question from my cousin "No bf? how bout gf?".... oh no, what happen to them? ~.~ Okay, will upload my cny photos once i get it. Stay tune =)

Your budak kecik speaks,
CPL <3


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