Friday, November 12, 2010

1111 Graduation Day

My heart was shouting this moment.
Not because im officially graduated.
Its the PROMISE that i promised myself since Form1.
I wish i've never make that promise.
It seriously hurts me, A & B.
The moment i get the message,
its like a knife poked into my heart.
Its okay for now, let it go.

Lazy to snap photo. -.-
As you know i dont like.
Except people take photos of me XD
Saw any camera and i squeeze in only.
So i only took some single photos with my bodoh friends.

More @ Facebook ^^

Oh ya,
My friends make me damn paiseh. 
It was my turn to go up to the stage to get the cert
and my bodoh friends yell =.=

Pen.Pengetua: "wah, you ada banyak peminat ya?"
me: *laugh laugh laugh non-stop" LOL!


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