Saturday, July 17, 2010


senior page officially done! =)
thanks wantan. its a long story. haih~
no more emo & sad dy until i listened to a song. 

你会不会忽然的出现 在街角的咖啡店
我会带着笑脸 挥手寒喧 和你 坐着聊聊天
我多么想和你见一面 看看你最近改变
不再去说从前 只是寒喧 对你说一句
只是说一句 好久不见

seriously, its quite a long time i never think of you.
i'll be damn emo or even cry whenever i think of you.
you never left a thing for me when you leave.
but the memories were the best thing you left for me.

i miss you desperately. T____T

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