Wednesday, June 16, 2010

lost post~

1200am I dont even know the time since my phone was with yongyin. Went down from the bus and they sang Happy Birthday song for me. I was kinda blur since i just woke up. LOL! im so >.< paiseh! They sang more than 20 times. The auntie who sent us home also shocked. Then, i received a call from baobei. She wished me and Auntie Zanne too. duhhh... i was damn blur that time. haha! doesnt really know what she said. While waiting for Melvin, we crapped. We waited him for almost half and hour. 12.30am finally he came. They ran to his car. Sweat~ Yyin keep on asking those lame questions when she was lighting up the cake because she thought i dont know. HAHA! Actually BiaoMei bocor it already. She said "He got lighter meh? He got buy or not?" but i pretend i dont know anything. I celebrated my birthday inside the car. lmao~ We went to Kyi's house to finish up the cake because its melting. At night, i went to YeeHow's Party. I knew its weird. Its my day but i went to friend's party. Just because im too free, thats why i choose to attend to friend's party. I received chocolates from choiwan, jen & baobei. Thanks yo! btw, Special Thanks to Pak Khan, Vivian, Kher Yi, Yong Yin & Melvin for the Baskin Robin Ice-cream Cake. I know it cost a lot! HAHA! and not forgot all those who wished me! I dont mind through phone sms or facebook. THANKS! =)

Simple birthday i had as i always dont take "birthday" as -a very special day-. The only not same was I celebrated my birthday inside a car. LOL~~ 

duhhh... i am thinking.. which pasar malam i should go this Thursday?
SS2 or OUG?
gonna go with who this time?
tomorrow Coughnut or not?

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