Friday, December 31, 2010

Facebook Statuses

Adam Ang
‎1- Shorty~ Hey Hey... Long time no see too~ Well Known you for like more than 5 years but never really know u enough.. =D Your a lil crazy at time and at times very smart. You dun have to feel ashamed about your height! Be proud that you can stay young longer than the rest =] Enjoy every moment you have while it last, because the real world is cruel. But dun be afraid of it, Because you shouldn't be! =] 

Tan Viviam

444 :)
My dear sistaaa! I miss you! 
sudah berpuluh puluh tahun x meet you.
last time we meet was in Midvalley you working there. LOL
A-Mei super fansss!
A cute cute girl always with big smile on face. 
Happy-Go-Lucky type lo !!
When I see your smile , I can feel ur happiness. seriously leh! XD

Low Pui Mun
444- a shark jiejie from famine 30 xDDD everytime tell lan gek then laugh like crazy.

Cheong Yi Sin‎
444 - See this number also tahu you're sei sorpoh lo! I miss the time we laugh together in famine 30 weih especially the shakespear. == Date me out someday lah! I miss you! ♥

Jeremy Toh
444, OI SHORTY. xDD No offense. (: YOU CAN GO REALLY CRAZY SOMETIMESSS. I like that. We should go clubbing clubbing and get high and get drunk.OR MAYBE SHISHA. :DD ANYWAYS, have fun in your life. (:

Jevelyn Ong
444 - u ar u...dun let me write chinese pula~use english is hard to express le... u noe la~my english nt as good as urs...hehehe =P u r so cute...until everyone tat noe u so sayang u(mayb u dun think so bt i feel so=P) u r so mature...which is unexpected...u r even more mature if compare v me..=P feel so bad la when i think about tis...haha...u smaller than me but u r mature than me... although we seldom contact n meet each other up...but our relationship is jt never change...still very close...haha... u ar~dun everytime keep everything inside ur heart..thr r so many ppl thr for u... me la~my bro la~ur fren la~a lot ppl will worry bout u... when u r upset dun keep's nt good for u...i noe u can handle those emotion very well but...sometimes u nid to release oso...right?? ^^ btw~im waiting cny to gather v u all!! ^^


Is time to buy CNY's shirt baybeh! I? haven get any. LOL. Got la... From SG? LOL! Eh~ Thats for home wear. hahahaha! There comes the new year, what look I should change? Hah! My cousin said: "Eh, You're 18 man... Stop wearing those T-shirt la. Change to more feminine la! No more cool cool and man man look please. No more box box checked checked plaid plaid shirt la. You're getting SQUARE!" I was like... ahhh?? Any problem? So what now? I only can wear basic tank and cardigan? No matter what, I wont stop buying check shirt lo.

I found an office job. Means I have to change my look to more OL but I still struggling whether I should work for it or not. HAHAHA!! I found promoters job too. Heh... 5days per week, RM80 per day, a canon promoter. Juice promoter, RM80 per day, every Friday Saturday and Sunday. Eh, Stand whole day for RM80. Im not stupid wei! I rather sit at the office become telemarketer, with the computer on and call without charging 1cent of mine! Although only 1k baisc per month la. I dont mind. As long as its a relaxing job. You give me high pay I willing to stand for the whole day la.

Most of my friends start working dy. Me? Still honeymoon-ing... hahahaha~ Apa macam?? OL look. ROFL! Damn I cant stop laughing at myself. -.-

Dates for New Year
Sunway ( The Gang ) - NO!
Mont Kiara & Genting ( Cousin and her BF ) - NO! I dont wanna be light bulb for new year =.=
IOI ( AhWah That Gang ) - NO! What the heck... go there for what?! play bowling so imba!!
Johor ( SayYeing invited ) - I want to, but NO bus tickets for me. ='(

BBQ ( Jen invited )
Dinner ( Koay with The Gang invited )
Grilled Lamb Party ( Uncle Tim's house )

2011 Target
- GC Watch
- Bose Speaker

With Loves,
CPL =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Angry Update

He failed his PMR, got an E for history. Damn ya! He got nagged from me until he cant stand and he went out. I dont understand... PMR failed, nevermind. but his UEC also not good lo! Study at CHHS but his Chinese get C. Helo, wtf right? Even Im better than him. At least I get a B for my Chinese paper and I passed my PMR. Though the result isnt that good. 

Haiz... Whats the point for sacrificing my chance to study at Sri KL and giving him the chance to study at CHHS. He told me that he's not good in BM so he wanted to go CHHS. Nah! whats that fucking result he get? =.= My gawd... Seriously, he's wasting his time and dad's money lo. You give me that money to study at a better college la! I swear I'll put my hard work for the course that im interested lo! 

Dont know la... what the fuck! I gonna enjoy my holidays at S'pore. Actually I dont really have the mood to go travel. I dont know why.. dont feel like going out >.< And the earphone I want isnt selling ady. So... I dont know whats the point I go there la. Perhaps Ipod Touch4? But im still struggling. LOL! BUT FOR NOW! The heat is slowing heating me up. I wanna leave this house. I dont wanna see any of them -.- Thanks God, I've choosen this trip. 

With Loves,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I dont know what to update. Just simply do a report bout my SPM then.

BM - easy.. easy till i cant finish... LOL
BI - essay sec A used too much of time, sec B simply do. hahahaha!  
BC - 1word x 2 = GG
MM - P1 not enough time to do. tembak-ed around 20 questions. P2 quite easy.
AM - GG!! 
ACC - GG!! -.- not only me. question that only came out once in SPM within 17years. so bad luck!
ICT - no idea. lol.. macam all answer also suitable.. 
SEJ - hahahahaha!! tips? go die -.- wasted my time!
PM - errrrrr~~ some of the definasi, i remembered infront but forgot behind or i remember behind, forgot infront =.=
SC - easy until some of the questions i dont know how to do. unexpectable questions! >.<

Lets say about my holidays. Nothing actually. -.- Every night dramas only. Stay at home everyday. LOL! I have lot of activities can join actually but I dont want. Dont even have the outing mood. BTW, most of it are with my cousins and you know... I dont need to pay a single cent whenever I go out with them. Thats why I dont like so I choose to stay at home lo. 

I met you yesterday. Thanks for meeting me up before you leave M'sia. Thats my best x'mas gift! I apologize if what I said were too straight forward. You ignored me whenever you want, then out of sudden you find me back. 3 times also like that. Take your time and realize how you settle your relationship problem. Most of all, we're still friends. ^.^ There goes the happy ending. I had my 2nd korean meal today with Hou, Yen, Maki and Hester. Remember my 1st korean meal? xD Thanks for it. 

Gonna celebrate my x'mas at S'pore this year. Im still struggling whether I should buy Ipod Touch 4 or not. Its too late for me to buy and its a waste. I have to wait for the Jailbreak software and by the time they release, there goes the New Ipod Touch 5. =.= What to do with an Ipod Touch without Jailbreak then? HOW?!!!!! Should I buy or not?? T______T

With Loves, 
CPL. =)

Friday, November 19, 2010

My recent life.

MIA-ed for 3days and I cant stand anymore. So i decided to online and take a breathe. This kind of owl life started since 2weeks ago, not suffering and I kinda enjoy it. Sleep at 9am early in the morning till 5pm evening. Stay awake to study from 1am-8am++ I love my 4am, your 6am because I wont be bored. xD Average everyday eat 1 meal only, normal human being's dinner but its my brunch. 39 effing kg, gotta be underweight soon. Went yam cha with my friends at Damansara, Yen Ping said "wei.. you tall dy wor..." LOL! She's not the first one who say dy. Even my schoolmates and my stupid brother said the same thing. Guess their eye sight really got problem... >.<

I drove out and da pao at midnight sometimes. Hang out to McD/ Taylor from 8pm-1am just to study with my friends. If it's my turn to drive them, then i'll be home at 1.30am. Most of the day, I went home at 1am. 1am, is a promise to myself which I have to be at home to study at this time. So no matter where I go, I'll try to be home at 1am. A message "woi, long time never kap Jade la..." and I replied "jom lo.. we go now..". Great, a night @ Alive again but I managed to reach home at 1am. ^^ Normal chatting "eh.. lets go Genting.." and I said "if everyone is on, why not?" Oh God, really on. So I went too and reached home at 3am. No rest time for myself, continue stick with the books. These outings kinda messed up my timetable but still... I can catch up.

Have a look at my report card yesterday, ICT- the only subject that I can be proud of it for my secondary school time. A1, A2, A-,A these were the grades I get for it but for my Form5's midterm, I get a C. Dont ask me why, just salute me that I sat for the paper without any revision. This subject isn't easy to score in SPM Bored of studying? Look at my childhood's photos. Immediately my mind pop out, how good if Im still a kid? Everyone was sleeping while Im doing this and that.

Well, 4more days to SPM. As I said before.. no matter what result I get, I'll not regret as long as I dont do stupid careless mistake. Good or bad, I dont give a damn. I've been pushing myself to study since 2weeks ago. If my results are bad, then I can only blame myself why I start my revision so late and never settle my things well. Before I blame myself, I'll blame you first! Blame why you give me this kind of things to do and settle! Or maybe I'll blame why you appear in my life. >.< duhhh....

I realized that im not as independent as what I thought. As what I said, I'll be hungry during midnight time so I get an apple to fill my hungriness and you know what? I dont know how to peel an apple indeed. I used 3 different type of knives to cut an apple. duhh... And what my stupid brother said is truth. One night, he said: "i bet you'll wake me up, because you dont know how to cook maggi mee and you need me." His words sarcasm me and makes me feel that im such a failure. -.-


With Loves,

Monday, November 15, 2010


My life still goes on, within you and without you.
Even if someday i dont have any friend,
I still can live my life.
Loneliness is a sin to be forgiven.
I dont mind to be alone.
It doesnt matter.

But imagine i live without the IT gadgets.
I.... rather DIE!

I get my thumb a ring today. 
Yeah, the second ring for my thumb.
 I lost my first ring 2years ago 
and I cant find back the same design from the shop.
The ring followed me for 1year+
but too bad, I lost it at my old house.
Now I want this to follow me at least 5years or more.

Nah, thumb?
some people think that Im weird.
Fuck it.

With Loves,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Silent reader

Dear silent reader,
I salute you.
I just changed to this link not more than 24hours.
But I already saw your appearance to my blog.
I haven give anyone my blog link so far.
You're great!

I met R.Chan on Wednesday at Leisure Mall!
The Mauritian from Madagascar.
A friend from Madagascar. Cool huh? xD 
He's still as handsome as last time.
Luckily i managed to meet him before he fly back to 
Buckingham, UK to continue his studies.
All the best, R.Chan!

With Loves,
CPL. =)

Friday, November 12, 2010

1111 Graduation Day

My heart was shouting this moment.
Not because im officially graduated.
Its the PROMISE that i promised myself since Form1.
I wish i've never make that promise.
It seriously hurts me, A & B.
The moment i get the message,
its like a knife poked into my heart.
Its okay for now, let it go.

Lazy to snap photo. -.-
As you know i dont like.
Except people take photos of me XD
Saw any camera and i squeeze in only.
So i only took some single photos with my bodoh friends.

More @ Facebook ^^

Oh ya,
My friends make me damn paiseh. 
It was my turn to go up to the stage to get the cert
and my bodoh friends yell =.=

Pen.Pengetua: "wah, you ada banyak peminat ya?"
me: *laugh laugh laugh non-stop" LOL!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Yeap. Im!
I have a good mood since yesterday.
When everything settled down,
its like no more burden.
My heart is smiling every moment.

Love schooling now days.
Had fun in school,
but not studying.
We act like we're 15.
We talk in Korean. XD

Oh ya,
Get D'Ace 2010 Magazine.
Dont know what to describe.
I can see the tears and sweats i had put in.




Google Translate,如果你信得过就随你~ 

Let you know something.
Nope, Im not angry just disappointed.
Dont need to apologise, you're not wrong.
Thats your life, health is yours. 
Arent mine.

Thanks for forgiving me.
and my first Korean meal. ^^

PS: I know you visit my blog often.
Dont need to delete your IP.
Im faster than you, my dear =)

Your budak kecik @  Pokemon,

Monday, November 8, 2010


Take ecstasy? Me? Wtf?! Do you know who the hell are you asking? Your little cousin know what's good and what's bad. I wont stop you from that. I know you wont listen what i say. I've wasted 1.5 years to advice you. I wont do that anymore. Same goes to cigarettes, beers and hookahs.. From Lot10 to Tanjung USJ just for hookah, i still accompany you. Cigarette infront of me, i bear though i hate it much. Beer, any bars. duhh. Ecstasy, you told me its a piece of cake. Nah, i dont care and dont even give a damn. Act like i dont care even i still care. Now you asking me to take... wake up la please... =.=

Another you, its like you dont even understand what i talking. You thought i want it to be like that? =.= Never mind.... I saw your photo which was your profile picture. Yeah, holding cigarette.. I felt so guilty. Melbourne's cigarette healthier is it? Still harmful la.. please.. believe me, you're too far away.. 

Continue act like i dont care. uhhhh....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Im pretty sure that
my dream room,
will fill with all these gadgets!

just wait for me. =)
15years or maybe lesser.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

fear of imperfection



Thursday, October 28, 2010


Age gap?
Who cares?

This could be the problem.

The End.


epic FAILED.

its really hard to understand you.
my sixth sense failed on you for the first time.
and you're the first one, my sixth sense failed on.
my sixth sense, only 50% is true.
i mean, on you.
i failed to read your mind. 
all i know is,
you're complicated enough.
even ME, myself cant beat you.


I disguised the pain.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Relatives always ask me
How come you know how to go "here and there"? 
Who teach you drink?
Since when you know hookah?
How you know the types of cigarette?
How come you know her/him?
Who you went with to that Cafe/ Restaurant?
Why you go until so far to cut your hair? 

the answer is TA-DAAAAA~

go ask Chee Wai Leng. >.<
actually i even know the drugs...
but of course.. i wont try it.

she gonna whack me.

anyway, i know what is good and what is bad.
dont need to worry la please. =.=
this kind of life i started since Form3.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

indian sucks ==

I went out to yam cha then went for group study. Something unlucky happened when i was driving back  home. An indian knocked my car with his motorbike. I dont know he's playing or he's drunk. I saw him behind my car turning left and right. I dint care and continue driving. I drove down to the mountain and slowed down for the left turn which is the Football field road. Suddenly, he bang my car and he ran away. Holy Shyt! I chased him and I even hon him. I chased until the bridge there, he made a U-turn and went up to the bridge which is impossible for cars to do so. Forgot to take down his motorbike plate number too. HAIHH..... My dad came down for a while just now. I told him and he dint scold me, just get mad. He never go out and see how's the car. I guess he'll got shock when he see that. I seriously felt guilty because he never scold me. I think he wont let me drive during midnight anymore. >.< But for now, i really dont feel like driving out anymore... haiz... 


Monday, October 11, 2010


Besides study in this late night, I reflect and self-questioning what i had did for this 17years. I realize that im getting lazier and lazier year by year. The tragedy of mine, which happened during my PMR seriously affected my high school study moods. Fed up with the examinations. I felt like I get nothing whenever i put full of efforts for some papers which I expect I could get better result. Form4? Slacking and fooling around were my jobs. Wasting my time doing things that i wanna do. Im not fear to exam anymore. Its like nothing to me & no feeling at all. Bad result I get? I will say "suan la suan la". My pet phrase which cheer me always >.< All these made ME who i am today. SPM is near, less than 50days i think. I dint put in high expectation because i believe too much expectation can cause too much disappointment. I know i couldnt regret what i did for these few years, specially my secondary school life. I just hope that I could get in MMU and study what i want. Well, probably Computer Science/Multimedia/Mass Communication or any Techonlogy course, as long as not Business course =.= Then looking forwards to NZ and continue my studies maybe or might fail? Will plan all these shit after i get my SPM result. I know its too late for me to study back the Form4 syllabus. 10 subjects @.@ as i am slacking around last year. I think focus on the subjects which relate to my future is what i can do now. CPL, please be serious! 

With Loves, 
CPL. =)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

simple update.

Sorry for MIA-ing. >.< I actually dont know what to update. LAWL~ Well, having exam lately. I cant concentrate during my BM and BI papers. So i screwed them up. Decided to let go the problems for a week and dont care bout anything. Great, i did it and did well in my exam except for science paper 2. =.= and add maths? Hahahahaa.. Im speechless. As im a calculating idiot. Having few days of holiday now. Trying very hard to settle everything down which easily ruins my mood but epic failed. I choose not to answering phone calls. I guess this is the best choice. Try to find things to do when im free. Such as : Dota, Gossip Girl, Anime, Vampire Diaries.. and some activities like hunt for food, cocktails at pub, being driver, cc for games, and some revisions. I know i cant be free. Sleep late and wake up early. FREAKING early! Even my friends cant believe it. Kinda lots of people said that i slimmed down and look matured/old? I have no plan to diet, maybe tidor lewat cause me look old and slimmed down.  

I think i should let go even its hurt. Shouldnt care so much dy as we lost it all. Sorry? yeah!  

Stay tune for "the 30th day letter" post. =D 


Monday, September 27, 2010

Stories of my holidays 2.

Let me continue,

Went swimming with these peeps.
At night went pasar malam with 
MeiYen, Ixin, LiSin.
Oh no, she bang. LOL

Account tuition canceled,
Maths tuition teacher sick = canceled.
How? Stone at home la! =.=

Chat with this fellow-ksy.
HAHA! from 11pm chat till 3am.
Then continue skype with Tekyi & other peeps.

Went to movie with Wantan, Jen & HC.
wuatafak movie!
damn funny weih.. LOL
but i wonder why no one is laughing when we're laughing ==
Then volleyball with jen till 8pm+

My brother brought his phone and went back to asrama.
My dad's phone is off.
My mum's phone ringtone isnt like that.
And I dont know who the heck's phone rang!
for 6th times. 
SCARED me! fuck!

A sleepy day =.=
Wanna go swimming with Jer, KP, Milo, MK & Joel.
But no girl company me!
And Im afraid to go in the toilet alone.
End up sleep at home. LOL

Saturday & Sunday
Stupid weekend. I fucked up everything. I scolded Hou. The way he settle his things was so wrong and he's angry with me. Im trying to help him and i dont mean to scold him. I dotes him all the time. Haihh... Then, my devices. ALL DEAD! WTF! I cant help out Ben for the camp. So sorry.. I try to fix and keep on trying but still... dead =.= I never give up trying till at night although I know he doesnt need my help anymore. A lot of things come after me in one time. I cant handle it and these make me so depressed. Till now I still haven settle it. No idea how to settle! ._______.

Stay tune for next update. =)

With Loves,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stories of my holidays.

Holiday Programmes ended on Wed.

Wonderful Morning + Afternoon with em.
Freezeeee evening with meiyen and ixin at BR. 
Young midnight food hunting with my dad and brother =.=

Having fun after work till 2.30am.
This was insane!
I almost puke at Boston =.=

I like this photo a lot.
Her tongue and my face expression. rofl!

Look at my stupiak smile.
Its like I enjoy hugging her? =.=
No, she's not nice to hug!
Like hugging skeleton only. ='(
I prefer her form 5 size. lol

Spent my evening with em. =)

Stone at home the whole Saturday.
I should go work but I denied.
Im so boring so
I did something stupid and 
It flashed back.........

The days we had together.

Then Im hungry.
Went to hunt for burgers.

12.30am McD Drive Thru.
Again, I memalukan sendiri =.=


Then I dreamt of you.

It rewind back a lot.

Stupiak day with fcuking CB feeling!
Learning how to zi pai =.=

(If you can see the tears in my heart...)
Spent my afternoon and evening with Jen, Wangu & ?
Lepak around and volleyball.
Went to Taipan yam cha with Keys.
NAHH! She's unlucky.
Im sad so I released my sadness on her. >.<

Went Sing K today.
Sad songs make me more sad.
High songs Im like not motivated at all.
but last few minutes I still high-ed.


Im like that.
I hate myself being so miserable.

And I know....

You're just a memory.
I realized that I was 14 that time not 15.
Oh, wtf!
What happen to me?

Story from Thurs-Mon ended.

With Loves,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Past Future Now.

Don’t regret your past. Don’t get caught up in your future. 
Remember your past. Love it, because it made you who you are today. Be inspired about what is to come because you will surely be there some day but most of all love where you are right here and now, because you will never be right here in this now ever again. Life is precious. Appreciate the little things and see the beauty in the air you breathe. Take advantage of every opportunity you have to experience more of life. Meet everyone that you can. Do NEW things! Just live!! Life is about inspiration. Somehow, its like posing for pictures. We pose the way we want to be seen by others. But stolen shots are better =) Why? Because they capture who we really are ma~ 

Went for a random outing and I had my debut accident experience. It somehow shocked me and I think a lot of craps. Who knows I'll be here today, who knows maybe I'll die that day. HA! No one knows right?

Holidays started. Lol. Seriously, I study nothing. Keep on Tumblr Tumblr~ Im in love with it! Nice blog I have! Woots! RAWR! Who wanna bring me to the beach? I wanna play kite! xD Oh yeah, PodPod is no longer mine anymore. =) I got to say bye with it. Thanks for lighting up my days. I love you. Treat your new owner like how you treat me. Dont miss me! *LOL! sick till Insane!* Im helping Hou selling his Ipod Touch too. Who's interested? hehe, I success to wash his brain for not selling 480. He's a giam siap boy. LOL!

bibobibo~ bi ba BOOM! 
I'll broke soon! I left few hundreds only. Wonder its enough for the new Ipod or not. Keys wanna borrow money from me again. I always failed to wash her brain! Fuck! She's spending a lot and not saving! Im trying my best not to go out with her every night dy. Some day I gonna sell her Gucci bag =.=ll because of her! I cant buy my FRED PERRY! What to do? She's the only cousin sister I have on my dad's side. FRED PERRY~ =(

Cecelia Ahern's novels is killing my wallet! urghhhhhh!! bodoh! how come got such amazing writer la!

With Loves,
CPL =)

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Yeah, Homosexual. My title. I knew many people out there discriminate Homosexual. Being honest, last time I did too until I met my Taiwan friends. They're gay. I was shocked when I knew. But after having trips with them, I changed my mind. I greet them with my best wishes. Hey, Gay/ Lesbian? Its LOVE okay. Who says boy cant fall with a boy?  Who says girl cant fall with a girl? Who tell you all this kind of shit? If both are happy to enjoy each others company, then who i am to dictate their bedroom code? 21st Century man! Dont stay in your oldies day, be more open minded please! They do no wrong, they just live their lives the way they enjoy it. One's sexual preference is no one's business except the people who are involved. Everyone should have the right to be with the one they love. They have the same feelings as heterosexual couples. They feel love and pain just like anyone else. BTW, they not bad guy also. Thier just human beings like us. Why discriminate? Somehow, I also agree that homosexual marriage should be legal. LOL. Im crazy? Whatever you think =.= 

Im posting this post because of my gay friend.
Not Taiwan, but Malaysia. =)
Just posting my view against homosexual.

With Loves,
CPL =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sickening week

Lol, Im back again. What to do, I cant sleep. Keep playing games? sibeh lifeless!

Cough cough cough, coughing out blood? Hell no! LOL. This few days cough like shit and its damn awful! Cough until my stomach cramp. What a great exercise for my little tummy. Haha! Cough isn't that suffer. My throat?! Super duper extremely fucking suffer! Im facing liquid/ solid swallowing problem. Even my saliva! But then, the clever me.. Still continue eating spicy food. o.O Yesterday lunch - Cheese Naan with every dip of curry each bite. Dinner? Ho Chak man! Seriously la, got Ho Chak sticker there. =.= Asam curry fish, fried almond chicken, thai vegetables, fried sotong, etc. Its either spicy or fried la. Then I drank coke some more. I know I patut mati punya la. But then really dont know is that "MATI" lo! I guess it's either night or midnight, dont know la. I was chatting with Mel and I tasted weird taste of my saliva. Oh fuck! Not joking, my throat bleed. I started to worry man and automatically tear drops la. Im not crying, I just cant stand the pain of my throat. I forced myself to drink a cup of 100plus though its really hurt when I swallow then it stopped bleeding. Stop bleeding ah? Then I never think bout it anymore. =D I ate 3packs of Strepsils also cant cure. So I doubt that Im having strep throat / ulcer on my throat. Well, Im not doctor. Doubt only, it isnt 100% correct. I dont want visit the doctor until someday I really cant stand and bear it.

Ipod touch 4th generation! Camera infront and behind. OMFG! I've been waiting for years! Made! I fell like selling my 3rd gen and get this! but the photo quality is just VGA not MP. ='( how?? This is running me crazy! sell or not? another headache question. If i really want to get this, I've to sell it ASAP.  If not I cant sell it at high price when the ipod touch arrives M'sia. HOW?!! RAWR!


The 100 Post - Let it be a bit meaningful.

17years+ of living in the world, breathing, heart-beating, walking, talking, laughing, smiling, crying, thinking, loving, caring, hating or whatsoever to heal my goofy soul. Life’s short, as we’re normed and yet some people loves to make it even shorter for themselves. STUPID! I try to cheer for myself in life and for other people as well. I hate myself for being miserable for a few tiny Speckle of thoughts. I love myself for being happy all the time, so my AURA. xD is always there to heal people around me. hmmm... sometimes annoy? Well, come on! screw bad things and why think so much, since life is short. Like maybe you’ll die a minute after reading this. You wouldn’t know right. I started to think like this, why? Its not that im scared to face the real world, the facts, the unexpected, the rule and the principle of life. Pessimism, on the other hand, makes life miserable. Perfectionists, to be exact. I do LOVE to think negative side but after that I'll definitely think positive side of things. Optimism, dominates my soul. Since it already happened, why go and think WHY COULD THIS HAPPEN TO YOU and bla bla bla. Well, for me, I'll think a lot of "WHYs" because I believe everything happen for a reason. But after that I try my best to stand up and be strong. Dont forget your past, its what made you who you are today. 

I tell you. I will not able to think like that if I never meet you. Maybe emo like what I did in July? Well, I guess you're still angrying. I know I shouldnt be forgiven. Forgive or not, you like. Like I always say to everyone, "You're the architect of your own fate/life." but for you, "You're not only the architect for construction of buildings but also your fate and life." Whatever~ Blahhhhh... *Looking forwards babey!*

With loves,
CPL. =) 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


1 bangsa, 1 suara, 1 Malaysia. 
Im just kinda addicted to that song. PATRIOTIC~ 
Happy Merdeka!

I went to school today (ambang merdeka). xD People said Im out of their list for attending to school so they got shocked when they saw me. NAH! Not even 1 of the gang going. BULLSHYT! 12 person attended out of 43. Cool Babey! Go school eat mak nga tong and play only. Teacher dont want teach also and i came back early also. LOL Good weih! This kind of attendance worth to take ^^ Yesterday I never sleep and keep play games only lo. then straight away go school. Not sleepy at all, I've no idea why. My throat getting worst la omg. I feel like wanna korek my throat out. =.= tomorrow need to go 7-11 sapu strepsils before go for badminton. get teacher's email again.. pseudocode? see coding also sien dy.. my eyes power increase some more. jia lat lo! this kind of things make people headache+ more headache. i seriously dont know what to write lo. feel like copying~ lol

There's still a HOPE.
I believe you'll find me someday.

With Loves,
CPL. =) 

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Since Im so free, so I spent my whole afternoon on my PodPod. Jailbroken and downloaded cool apps! Brother keep playing non stop. =.= Well, he deserves it. Helped me to get water and panadol at midnight. Kao! I dont know why I fall sick suddenly. >.< I drove back to hometown under the hot weather but I felt cold. Luckily almost reached there. They potluck for 4hours and I slept for 4 hours also. Never switch on the fan and Im using blanket but still cold. Not dare to tell my parent, later kena scold say I never drink water bla bla bla~ Dad asked me to drive home again, walao! I cant see at night + so dizzy, he ask me drive some more and I denied. He's totally drunk! My aunties and uncles la... CB! keep say "your daughter got license can drive you home, drink more la! come la we go sing k." I forced to smile. =S Reached home and its getting worse and worse. Pain till I cant sleep and tears dropped. woah~ That was my debut experience. Pain till tear dropped. =O Spam call my brother to wake up to get me panadol. hahahahaha~~ 4am the worst part! I use my hand to hit my forehead. LOL! No choice.. really suffer that time. Hot and cold, Aircond off and on, Fan on and off, really ruins me crazy! RAWRRRRRRRRR!!!! much better today but still suffer then gastric lagi. =.=ll btw, camp ended almost 1 week but I still can see people posting in FB. ZOMG! Really so into it meh? I WANT WATCH STEP UP3! *.* Recently TM line sibeh sucks! I wanna call up and scold them but I got no voice ='( and I seriously addicted with those chinese songs. weeee~~

0830 Kah Say Yeing, Happy Birthday! XD birthday still need exam... ko lian~