Wednesday, November 4, 2009


today went klang to eat bak kut teh. why i will follow my mum? seriously, i wont follow her to klang since small. many relatives stay at klang. but all also adult. dont have my gang. i will go when my gang are there. =)

okay. so what's the purpose i go? "dato" li jie gong (my mum's 2nd uncle ) wanna treat me eat bak kut teh. lol. i cant reject right? he's 80 year old+ if i reject so dont give him face lor. and my mum ask me go and "bok choi" (see whether i will get money or not). actually my mum's joking only la. haha but end up i went too.

reached there around 11.30am. we went popo's ( mum's auntie ) house (also another rich family). 1.30pm li jie gong, li jim po (his wife) & li yi (my 2nd auntie) came. then popo, her family, da yi, my mum and i went to the restaurant.

bak kut teh!! damn delicious.. yumm yumm!! its quite a time i never eat bak kut teh =( after finish eating... li jie gong paid.

in hokkien
boss: " 一百零六 "
li jie gong: " 罢了啊?够吗?"
boss: " 够啦~ "

ok.. its time to go back. li jim po keep on holding my hand. i really dont know why she keep holding my hand.
everyone wait car at the restaurant. so li jim po go and get her car and i accompany my auntie to take car.
li jim po keep hold my hand even on the road. i thought she want me to go back with her. =.= end up she pass rm50 for me.

li jim po: " 这个给你 " (squeeze the money like a paper. and i cant even see it)
me: " 虾? 什么来的?" (when i saw its money, she already walk away) duhhh!!!
i shouted thank you! i really got shocked!
heading home right? never expect she will give me like that.

this is what li yi told my mum.
in car~
li jie gong: " 哎呀,刚才忘记给阿niu的女儿钱 "
li jim po: " 我给了50块咯 "
li jie gong: " 做么你给50?给100嘛.... "

then he return li jim po 50 bucks =.=

what i can say is

actually he prepare to give me. but his wife pull me away and he forgotten. urghhhh!! never mind la.. old liao is like that one.. he loves to give his money to children. you know what? i always get double angpau from them during CNY. but other cousins no. xD hehehehe... feel so lucky that i was born in this family which li jie gong sayang us very much. =D

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