Thursday, September 3, 2009

The one who owned the first position in my heart.

Give me 1 cup of that please.

was practicing guitar.
and there was a song tab " 忘情水 "
this song remind me a lots... >.<





I realize that i still cant forget about you. lol
the way you treat me
the way you comfort me
the way you .......
every way of yours!
but the way i treat you = (
its bad, & i have no chance to compensate anymore.
i never do what i said, every thing is too late.

i regret i never tell you something that
you want to hear it for a very long time.

Hey Yo!
killer cocktails anyone?
cocktails cant wash my mind.
i hope killer cocktail will works?
18 years old above or anyone look matured who are a heavy drinker.
or can drink more than me la~
i dont want drink alcohol alone.
its meaningless and dangerous. LOL!

SaD FroG

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